*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

They were saying since my FAQ disappeared it might be a good sign

Well i think Congrats!! but do you happen to know if any international or out of state students who have the same glitch? like will the first wave be just in state?

So far everyone who’s gotten it has been in state, but like I said idek if it means we got in or not

Great thanks, Hope you get in!!

Usually they release in state and out of state on separate days right?

if any International or OOS students have the “glitch” please reply:)

I heard it once from a reddit user but Im not sure it was just his words

Can someone send the discord yall keep referencing. Also I’m instate and have the glitch for L S but idk if its a good sign.

I know one international on discord got the glitch

has any engineering applicants got the glitch?

yeah great question everyone who posted said L S

Mine looks like this too; how is this a glitch?

check the FAQ link on your admissions letter and see the title

many people dont have it “me” and it just changed for a specific amount of applicant, if you don’t mind sharing this information are you in state and what school did you apply for?

it seems that this wave is for changemakers only

How do you know this?

the only ppl that have the portal change selected changmakers and also look on reddit and discord

whats the discord?

can we do a poll do see how many got the glitch?


Has your guys withdraw button changed?