*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

D got off waitlist! Instate. Changemaker. RNC. Major - Society and Environment.
Good luck to all of you!

this forum is very confusing.

congrats! :slight_smile:

FPF is my only one

some people who opted into CM got into FPF today. so it looks like CM is full but there are spots open for FPF that will likely come out on the 13th

for people getting off the waitlist, what schools were you previously committed to? also more importantly, congratulations!!

got into changemaker oakland program :slight_smile: got the email at 3:20 today. i was previously committed to ucsd

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CM is full? But what about OOS kids who applied to CM?


thank you!

guess on when the OOS CM/FPF wave will come??

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Does anyone know when decisions for those who didnt opt into fpf or cm is gonna come out?

Committed to NYU, but will join Berkeley as in state to save money.

What is “discord”?

Since CM is new, I guess UCB wanted to start with it before moving to FPF. I wonder how many spots remain on CM, if any – those who got admitted today may be able to check from CalCentral. A few also got admitted to FPF, and they can probably check the remaining spots in FPF. From what we saw, today was largely IS, with one International admit reported on this board. Hoping for a big wave tomorrow afternoon.

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is the wave for OOS and international students historically released a day after the first?

I don’t know. Last year several OOS students reported getting admission on the first day (8th May) itself along with IS.

Did anyone here not apply to FPF or CM?

I opened a spot in College of Chem… hope one of you guys got it!! I ended up committing to Cal Poly SLO

I didn’t apply to FPF or CM