UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

The current hypothesis is that it’s only for accepted students

Welcome receptions do not seem to be an indicator of being accepted or not. I think that the withdraw form is a better indicator.


Would people that were waitlisted also have the same deposit thing code?

As far as I remember, everyone could see both the form and the source code for the deposit.

Maybe not? But it seems like everybody can see the deposit source code

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Y’all had to be able to register for the welcome event as well

No, waitlisted students have a different message on the form and should not see the deposit code.

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What did they see?

I forget the exact message on the form but it was mentioned on last year’s college confidential thread.

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logically speaking, everyone should be able to see that in the source code.

@berkeley_cs2025 when u went to a welcome reception, was it only accepted students or waitlisted and accepted students

Nah, because it says “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission.”
It implies you were given admission.

But the deposit form is currently hidden for everyone. The current text is “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”

I think everybody has it (whether its accept or WL)

Yeah, I think so as well. Guess we’ll find out later today

Were you guys also able to register for the welcome reception

I didn’t check it in time

These were the 3 outcomes people had posted:
Group 1: People who can access both the Welcome Reception AND the Withdrawal Form. Likely means acceptance.
Group 2: People who COULDN’T access the Welcome Reception AND the Withdrawal Form. Likely means rejection.
Group 3: People who COULDN’T access the Welcome Reception (before patch) but CAN access the Withdrawal form. Likely means waitlist.


The poll breakdown now is 32% admits, 55% denials and 13% WL which seems entirely plausible in the context of CC.


Hey yall, the source code thing doesnt make sense, as someone in web dev everyone will see that, plus there’s evidence for this as it also has something about early decision applicants, etc.

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