**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Holy, that’s a lot less ppl admitted off the waitlist compared to previous years. Hope it isn’t the start of a trend :(( @Gumbymom do you know what factors could influence the number of waitlisted ppl they admit?

One more question, would Berkeley only want to see officially posted marks by the school? My midterm report card for semester 2 has not been released yet (and prob won’t be anytime soon cuz corona), so should I just put down my semester 2 grades as IP then?

@studytings: What drives the # of waitlist admits is the # of admitted students that enroll by May 1.

I would only list official transcript grades since that is what will be reviewed if admitted.

@gumbymom My son’s school sent the official midterm transcript to all the colleges he applied to. UCB should have these. Should we still send an updated unofficial transcript that would be a duplicate or assume the official midterm sent by the school is sufficient.

@Gumbymom Thanks for this discussion and responses. It all relative but I was thinking a B was a bad grade. Maybe there is hope

@2024gradmom: It may be your HS’s policy to send mid-year transcripts but UCB does not accept these documents unless specifically requested. There is no assurance that they would have kept the copies so I would submit an updated transcript just in case.

Hello, When typically UCB announces admits from the wait list ? If it is after May 1st, how you manage other school options ?

I know they said it is optional to submit recent grades but I am conflicted about whether to send mine or not. My grades are not bad but they aren’t that good either recently cuz senioritis kinda hit hard. Do you guys think it will make a big difference?

stats because I’m bored and sad:

Waitlisted Asian female (in-state)
Major: College of Letters & Science undeclared social sciences (backstory: I applied to their GMP and got an interview, then was waitlisted to L&S)

UW GPA: 3.92 (2 Bs in grade 11)
W GPA: 4.45
W UC GPA: 4.6
SAT: 1560 (ERW: 760, Math: 800, Essay: 21)
ELC: yes (top 9%)
SAT Subject: 800 Math 2, 750 Physics, 760 US History
APs: Chinese (5), Calculus BC (5), Physics 1 (4), Statistics (4), US History (5) // taking AP Literature and AP Physics C senior year
ECs: national merit finalist, won an international STEM/ business competition, TSA finalist, lots of dance awards, editor for school newspaper and 2 school magazines, tutors underclassmen in math

First semester senior year grades: A’s in everything except a B in Physics C (also currently taking multivariable calculus/ linear algebra, AP literature, and a few other mandatory college prep classes)

(side note I was waitlisted to 5 schools this sucks)

good luck everyone :smile:

But I have a question for the wait list opt-in form — for grades, it has options for fall, winter, and spring, but my high school only has semester grades, so would these categories correspond to quarter grades? Thank you!

@pmd_cc: You need to enroll in another school until you hear from the waitlist. If you are admitted off the waitlist, then you have the option of withdrawing from your original school, lose your enrollment deposit and accept UCB or decline the offer.

@kwarry: You should only submit grades that are part of your transcript so if you only have semester grades, then list the Fall grades only. If your quarter grades are listed on the transcript, then submit Fall and Winter grades.

the continued spread of the coronavirus is going to have implications on admissions/waitlists. Obviously everyone’s safety and health is the #1 priority, but you have to assume that schools are scrambling to make adjustments.

In terms of this specific thread, things to consider (although admittedly this is complete conjecture) are:

1)international students may be less likely to accept a school invitation in the US because of the climbing positive cases here.
2) there continues to be an issue of instances of poor treatment of people of Asian descent here.
3) SOME students from OOS may choose to stay closer to home.

All of this would lead to fewer enrolling students. Now, we have no idea if UCB admitted MORE students to prepare for this, or if they already had made Enrollment decisions prior to a few weeks ago. At any rate, one would have to imagine that there would be more spaces to fill and more money required to function as an institution. So if that means prioritizing OOS waitlist students first for financial reasons, then so be it. This is an unprecedented time and I would expect that schools have to take unprecedented steps to survive.

so 1/4 for 2019 were admitted … if i read that right… do you feel as i do ,this could be the yr 2020-2021 of the “WAITLIST” ( more like 2/4 ) if there ever was one?..thanks

@skicami it’s honestly hard to say @scambro makes a lot of good points as to why waitlist admissions might increase. Additionally, keep in mind that you can’t base this year off of past years because the chance of you being accepted is more dependant on if how many of this year’s applicants will actually attend. UCB is trying to reach their max capacity.

does anyone know abt getting off the waitlist for college of chemistry

@Gumbymom Got it. I uploaded my transcript with all the final grades I have. I did receive a report card with my midterm grade for this last semester of the year, I would be leaving it out, right? Because it is not the final grade.

I also have another question if you are able to answer it. I applied for the chemistry major at the college of chemistry. Since I am waitlisted, does that mean that I am waitlisted for L&A automatically or am I waitlisted still for CoC?

@Xiao23: If your 1st semester Senior grades are reported on your transcript, then you should submit those also.

My son’s HS was on semesters, they did receive quarter grades on their report card but only semesters grades were reported on their transcript.

If you applied for Chemistry in COC, then you are waitlisted for that major in COC.

@kwarry ugh I feel you I got waitlisted by four of my top schools including UCB with similar stats and it sucks. I am also in state and applying to social science major in L&S (most likely polisci or global studies). we’re all in this together I guess :smile:

@Gumbymom I’ve read through the UCB Waitlist threads for the past few years, but still have a question regarding pathways. Do you happen to know if most students accepted off of the waitlist are for the non-traditional pathways (Global Edge, FPF)? If you select the non-traditional pathways in the Waitlist opt-in, are you effectively removing yourself from consideration for a traditional pathway or are you simply “widening” the net to include the other pathways? My D would prefer the traditional pathway, but would consider the others if they were her only option. Since the opt-in does not allow you to prioritize your pathway preference, my concern is that if you indicate you will consider the non-traditional pathways, you might not get a chance at a traditional pathway. Any advice on this topic would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

@emom05: I cannot tell you for sure that by selecting the non-traditional pathways that it will completely eliminate your chances of getting into the Traditional pathway. However, selecting the other pathways could increase your chances of getting off the waitlist due to an applicant willing to be more flexible.

Best of luck.

@Gumbymom: Correct me if I’m wrong, but are the UCB Fall Program and Global Edge simply glorified versions of Spring or deferred enrollment? Back in the day, Berkeley would offer Spring enrollment to some incoming freshman, where they’d have to attend a community college for a semester. They have devised these two programs where the student is admitted to Berkeley, but not officially enrolled. In Global edge, the student takes classes at a different school, and in FPF, all classes are in a different off-campus location. As opposed to the old Spring enrollment, with these newer programs, Berkeley 1)Gets your tuition money and 2)Keeps total enrollment down a little to maintain an elite status. By selecting these two pathways, you are simply stating that you’d accept deferred enrollment.