**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@scrambro thank you :slight_smile: . The data is quite interesting, but nothing much new. I dont think the adresses is of much importance - but Iā€™m not sure

Is anyone planning to call - if Anyone gets any information can you let us know, and i will do the same.

Is there any way to reject my place on the waitlist? I already got into Northwestern and Brown, so Iā€™m not really considering Berkeley, but I donā€™t see any option to reject my waitlist spot on the form.

@pogchamp111 Did you try clicking on the ā€œWithdraw Applicationā€ under Account tools on the bottom right hand side of the Application Portal (itā€™s in the blue area of the screen)?

@pogchamp111 also if you donā€™t submit anything, it automatically declines on April 15

@collegeappacc So theoretically, even if a student accepted the waitlist offer on April 14, it wouldnā€™t put them at a disadvantage?

@Acuriousgirl good question. I am no authority, but the letter says nothing about opting-in sooner to up your chances. It simply states to get it in by 11:59 PM PDT April 15th. That being said, there are numerous videos out there with WL strategies, and one Iā€™ve heard more than once is ā€œdo your opt-in early!ā€, but with no real explanation as to why. So you can take that advice and heap it on top of the pile of the rest of the sure-fire tips.

Does anyone know if I can opt in to the waitlist before submitting my essay, or must I submit both together?

How do I contact admissions office? I am international student, thus, my only way is to communicate with them via email and for some reason they dont have email address but ask me to submit some kind of form that has max 500 characters. I have long question and 500 characters doesnā€™t help me. Does anyone know solution to this?

@richbilly I would suggest you use the mail contact form to provide them with your phone number so that they can contact you (explain that your question is not conducive to the 500 character limit form). I do believe they will make an effort to try to contact/work with international applicants in light of what is going on right now. Make sure you explain that you are an international applicant. Good luck!

@emom05 Withdrawing my application worked, I think. Hope you guys get off the waitlist!

@pogchamp111 Thanks and best wishes to you!

Does anyone have any idea why the waitlist acceptance rate dropped so drastically last year after consistently being more than 50% in the years before that?

Does UCB do waitlist by majors or within the school? I feel like something like cs should be more competitive than other majors in the college of letters .

How do u fill out the Course number(for college coursework only) part of the form. Where do u find the course number

Maybe a rumor, but I hear they overenrolled last year, and were (hopefully) more cautious this year. Not sure though


Is it possible you can be notified off the waitlist that you are now accepted, and would you have to decide right away or by May 1? If your notified May 15, would you need to decide immediately? I ask because one could be on more than one waitlist.

btw, I contacted my admissions officer and they said that applying for fpf does not increase your chances of admission

If you donā€™t opt-in by April 15, you wonā€™t be on the waitlist then, that simple!
No need to do anything I guess!

Will Berkeley release some waitlist acceptances before May 1? Have they done so in the past?