**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

wow i see a lot of UC schools!! how many of yall are in state?

also, are yall seeing the glitches on chrome or safari? should it even matter?

I don’t see any glitches yet

Welp, Davis released in state waitlists today. Cal is the last one . . .

Come on Cal
 please pull through.

Ya all think its happening in 36 mins???

Funny, this whole week I’ve been so anxious. But now that its come down to the Endgame, I’m really calm. I guess all the waiting made me numb to the stress.

I don’t think cal is ever gonna fix the glitches lol. So the glitch will happen like every other year. The decisions will be out tomorrow. Everyone continue with the rest of your day or sleep if you’re on this side of the world. It ain’t happening today.

Are we going pass UCLA in total posts BEFORE we get a single person into school? C’mon. We can do this! GO BEARS!!

^^ Hahaha seriously the amount of posts on this thread is incredible. Loving all of the participation from this group.

Hahaha someone should post “actual decisions start from Page 80” at the very last page of this thread before closing it, for the sake of the future anxious waitlisted kids.

Good idea. Save the future kids literally hours of scrolling through our conspiracies and speculation.

@RifaSanj @hotcheetos33 Obviously everyone who regularly posts here deserves to get in. If obsessing over broken URL links and 505 refresh errors doesn’t constitute an authentic “Letter of Continued Interest”, then I don’t know what does.

Hey, I just noticed that on my waitlist form it says Submitted: 04/16/2020 App: FR 20 Fall but on the front page of MAP, it says: 04/27/2020 Wait List Opt-in. I know I turned my form in on April 15th, so I am really worried that now I could have potentially been marked as late or something. Does anyone else have this? I did edit it once after April 15th, but I turned it in around 10 PM on the 15th. And does anyone have any glitches still in their portal, cause I have had absolutely no glitches since the time I first made the account?

@NovakStorm did you get the confirmation email and have a green check next to your form? If you have that you don’t need to worry

I did not get an email confirmation but there is a green check next to the form and when I click the Waitlist Opt-In Form the text with the dates and my email are also highlighted green.

Are we sure nothings coming out today?

@hopefulacademic Sorry forgot tag

@gamingftw453 no, we are not and can not be sure, but its more likely than not that there will be nothing today.

That’s what most people are saying here, anyway. Without any glitches being prevalent right now I feel like that might be the case.