**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@wiwe908: If the D listed on your transcript, then yes it would count. If the D is an exam grade and not listed on your transcript, then no.

@Gumbymom Thank you. Follow up question, it does show up in my transcript, so does this mean Iā€™ve lost my chance? Or can I try to explain my situation?

@wiwe908: Since you are posting on the Waitlist discussion, the D will definitely not help your chances. Hopefully the schools will understand due to these difficult times and will be more lenient, but from the admission perspective, would you admit student that has continued to do well Senior year in spite of the current issues or someone with a D grade? For which course did you receive the D?

The waitlist essay is to show how you would be an asset to UCB and trying to explain a bad grade will not make a good impression. If you have some compelling reason, then you might want briefly explain the situation.

@Gumbymom I am in somewhat of a dilemma. This has nothing to do with my school transcript but rather an online spanish course that I was taking. I decided to take spanish 3 online and I signed up for it, but due to the rigor of my senior year courses and my ECā€™s starting, I couldnā€™t find the time for it. I remembered that I mentioned in my app that it was IP for Fall and Planned for spring, but I never finished it. I am taking the course right now and trying to finish it but not sure I will be able to finish before april 15th and I donā€™t want to take up spaces in my essay explaining why I didnā€™t finish the course. Iā€™m wondering if I should include it at all because I would still like to submit my school grades as they are still strong. Hope you can give me some insight into what I should do if you have any advice.

@hopefulacademic: I would just state it is still in progress and if you have solid grades, it should not be an issue. As long as you plan to complete the course prior to matriculation, you should be ok. If for any reason you do not complete the course, then you would need to contact UCB immediately if accepted from the waitlist.

I asked the AO and they said it wonā€™t help. They will consider you with all the waitlist folks. So yeh only pick that if you really want to do it.

what happens if I have 7 classes and/or 1 ā€œschedule changeā€ and 6 or 7 fall grades to report, and I canā€™t fit everything.

My AO also said that selecting one of the pathways will ā€œallow yourself more of an opening for admission off the waitlistā€. That being said I donā€™t really want to do any of them so I might just not check any of them

I did. The answer is yes, you will be given that option IF there are traditional pathway spots. If the only ā€œopenā€ spots are in FPF or Global Edge, then you will be offered only these pathways.

@wiwe908 one thing to note: for the Fall 2020 Freshman class for any campus, UCs are ā€œsuspending the letter grade requirement for A-G courses completed in winter/spring/summer 2020 for all students, including UCā€™s most recently admitted freshmen.ā€ So, while some kind of final transcript will be necessary to enroll, no doubt, letter grades are not required. Whatever you can do to NOT show them that you have a D in anything, I would take advantage of, because spring semester/Winter spring quarter letter grades arenā€™t part of the final admissions process.

My school uses a quarter system instead of semester. We have only completed two quarters from sep to early January. How should I report my grade on the waitlist.

@collegecurious56 It would be better to submit an unofficial transcript

@Gumbymom On my original application I put it as IP for fall and P for spring. So should I still put in progress for the fall semester and planned for the spring semester if I canā€™t finish by that point since its not from my school and its from a online school? I will def complete it before matriculation if admitted off the waitlist.

Hey everyone!! Hope youā€™re all well! Question here: So I applied to only 2 UC schools, UCLA and Berkeley, and was rejected from UCLA and waitlisted to Berkeley. Im in state and am part of the top 9% program which guarantees admission to a UC school. So I turned in my waitlist applications last week and today received an email offering me a spot at UC Merced. Does this mean Iā€™ve been rejected from Berkeley as well or is there still hope?

@yellowsunsets: No, it does not mean you have been rejected from the UCB waitlist. It means you did not receive an acceptance to any UC (Waitlisted is not included), so you have been offered a spot at UC Merced.

@hopefulacademic: I would list it as in-progress for Fall and Spring so they know you will have it completed by the time you matriculate.

@Gumbymom I thought you had mentioned we were just listing our 7th semester final grades. So does it matter whether we put IP for spring or just listing our fall grades is enough if we are on the semester system?

@studentasking234: You should only list grades that are on your transcript, so Fall grades if you are on the semester system or Fall/Winter grades if you are on quarter or trimester systems.

If for any reason, your in-progress Spring classes are different than what your originally listed on the UC application, this should be addressed somewhere since schools do not like surprises if they get your final transcript.

@hopefulacademic listed on the original UC application that they were taking an on-line Spanish course in progress for Fall semester. Since they were unable to complete the Fall semester portion of the class and has no grade, they wanted to let UCB know that the class is still in-progress for both Fall and Spring but will be completed in time by matriculation if they are accepted off the waitlist. UCB might question why is there is no Fall grade for the on-line course.

I think this question was asked by other people in this thread, but let me ask this question once again just to make sure. I applied to Global Studies (Itā€™s program in College of Letters & Science) and I have options to choose FPF and/or Global Edge London. Tbh, I am not interested in both of these programs and I think I donā€™t even qualify for FPF as itā€™s only for students above age 18 (correct me if I am wrong). If I donā€™t choose both of them, does it also chances of admissions? Vice versa, does choosing one of them or both of them increases chances of admissions?

Also what is exactly Fall Program for Freshman and what are some benefits/disadvantages of this program?

*Is there anyone who applied to Global Studies Major?

Thank you!

I have been asking these same questions! Let me see what I can do to answer, based on the answers I have received.

  1. I think you only have to be 18 (by September 4th) for the Global Edge program, not the FPF.
  2. I spoke to a friend who did not chose either last year for the waitlist, but these were the only two choices he was given when he was admitted. In other words, it does not seem to decrease your chances of getting in if you don't choose them, but you still may only be offered these pathways.
  3. From my friend who was in FPF: It is not great, and it is not terrible. The classes are all at one place about a block off campus, and they are generally pretty small compared to other classes. However, the course listings are limited. He lived in Unit 2 and was social with everyone in his dorm, so he did not feel isolated, even though the classes were off campus.
  4. I don't know if it increases your chances, but since my friend got in last year with around a 30% rate, it apparently did not hurt his chances to NOT select them.

I hope this helps!

@richbilly, the 18 year old age requirement is for Global Edge London, not FPF. You have to be 18 by September 4th 2020.
As far as your question regarding selecting these programs and if they increase your chances of admission, there has been extensive discussion on this board about this. You are not going to get a definitive answer. If you look back at posts #144, 146 and 148, you can see that, according to some members here, UC Admissions Officers have given inconsistent information.
If you will not turn 18 by Sept 4th, then London is out of the question. FPF would be your only option as an alternative freshman pathway, if you want to select it.