**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Thank you for your responses scrambro and seperatelayer. If September 4th is the date, I am turning 18. As I am not planning to choose both of them, I hope not choosing them don’t decrease my chance of admission. I won’t choose Global Edge London program for sure as I am not willing to study in London. As I see FPF as more small sized campus (?), is it more like liberal arts? Is FPF like the satellite campus or not?

Again, thank you for your responses.

I see everybody has a choice to select different pathways, but I don’t see any??? Is it an obvious box that needs to be checked off?

@chianger My daughter did not have that option as she is EECS waitlist, not L&S.

Hey, guys, I m hoping someone can answer this question. I am currently waitlisted at UCB as well and I did choose FPF on my waitlist form though I would prefer the traditional route. If I do get in, I wanna do pre-med at UCB and major in bio but say I do get in for FPF how would this change my plans for college. Would I still be able to do pre-med and take the necessary courses for my major or would the FPF prevent me to do so

@kash123 I’m also planning to do premed at cal but I’m sticking with the traditional pathway. I think FPF is only for the first semester as a freshman so I really doubt it would have any effect for premed. I was going to pick FPF because it sounded like a good opportunity but it cost some extra money so I decided not to. I got an email today by cal for FPF online information sessions so I can ask questions if you want me to. Good luck getting off the waitlist!

If my school is on a semester system, do I only input my letter grade for Fall and leave Spring and Winter blank? Or should I put N/A?

@richbilly I also applied for Global Studies and was given three pathway options. Either FPF, Global Edge, or Hong Kong. I just checked FPF but mentioned in my essay that I’d prefer to go traditional.

@jennypham000 there is a lot of discussion about this on this thread. Go back to look at post #128. The standard response to this is, if you are on Semesters, ONLY list your fall FINAL grades. That’s it. Nothing in progress.

@thecoolredpanda have you already submitted your waitlist form + essay?

with all the senior year grades talk, do we have to submit both a transcript AND input the classes or is it just one or the other?

@sisternight sorry I was admitted already, i just wanted to see if I can give any help to people in this waitlist thread

Are the pathways only for letters and sciences? I got waitlisted for natural resources and don’t see any pathway options? Am i at a disadvantage because I applied for natural resources in my original application back in november?

I think only Letters and sciences applicants get the pathway options

Is FPF only for students who want to start from spring and thus program that is for one semester (Fall Semester)? If we complete FPF, do we automatically start next semester (like the real first semester as it will be spring term I guess) in the main (traditional) campus?

@richbilly check here.
also they’re doing a webinar tomorrow

All of your questions about FPF can be found with confidence utilizing the above links. If you can’t find the answers on the FPF page, then ask during the webinar Q&A. There will be a representative from FPF designated to answer these exact kind of questions, and they will do a way better job of it than anyone on this board can.

Waitlisted for Environmental Policy. Recently got my first 4.0, which would make my weighted GPA 3.9. SAT of 1300 and a crapton of EC’s. Submitted my essay and transcript on the first and I just want to hear back from them already!!!

do you guys think there is a chance that they notify us earlier than May 1st about waitlist decisions?

@Gumbymom I have a question… would it be okay to dedicate a pretty significant portion of my waitlist essay to describing activities I have done? Also, would it be okay to mention experiences that occurred before submitting my application that I did not originally mention in my application?

@disconhaze: You can write about anything you want including awards, activities, compelling information not previously noted in your original application, why you would an asset to UCB and what you would do there once admitted etc…

specifically when in May do you guys think the first wave of waitlist decisions will come out? Is the first batch always acceptances?