Hello, everyone!
I got admitted to both school as a junior transfer and got my first choice major, Microbiology. Personally, I prefer UCDsince I feel like I would fit into the small college town vibe better. However, I am aware that UCSD would help me more in going down the pre-med track (according to my mom, her coworkers,etc.) hence why I’m a bit conflicted. I do plan on visiting both campuses later in May, but I was wondering about your guy’s experience with the two campuses?

What are/were the pros and cons for you at both campuses? In addition, would there be a large gap in resources between the two campus for pre-med?

Why would UCSD be better with the Pre-Med Track vs. UCD? Applying to Medical school is based on your college GPA, MCAT scores and medically related EC’s. Go where you would be happy since happy students are successful students.

I visited both campuses and I much preferred UCD over UCSD as did my daughter. I found that UCD had a much more welcoming vibe as did the surrounding area. I was disappointed in the UCSD campus. I also didn’t like the way they divide up the students into different “colleges.” I noticed upon walking through the cafeteria, that students seemed to sit together based on ethnicity, and that bothered me. I prefer a more cohesive student body, with everyone interacting with each other.

If you like UCD better, I would go there. You can get into med school coming from any school (plus, both schools are good schools anyways!). You are more likely to do well in college if you are happy with where you are. I can’t really speak for UCD, but I am currently attending UCSD so feel free to ask me any questions! (I’m planning to transfer out, but the school is just not a good fit for me, it’s still a wonderful school)