<p>this topic has probably been made a million times, but I NEED HELP. the deadline is so close and im still struggling to decide. </p>

<p>the biggest problems right now is that 1) i have braces and 2) im undeclared.</p>

<p>i live in nor cal, and i need to see my orthodontist every month, so going to irvine would make that kinda difficult, and delay my braces…
im also undeclared, so i cant really decide based on rankings. im thinking about going into business or engineering (ucd has better engineering, but what if i want to go business?)</p>

<p>another thing is i have like 3 friends going to irvine, none to davis. and a lot my other friends (not the ones going to irvine) are telling me to go to irvine because they think i’d like it more, and because supposedly irvine has better looking girls. its like my heart is telling me to go to irvine, but my brain is telling me to go to davis…</p>

<p>i like UCI’s area better, but i just can’t say no to davis, especially since a lot of my friends were rejected from davis and i managed to get in…UCD would be the better academic school, and be much more convenient for me. i’ve already visited both and to be honest, i could see myself happy at davis but i definitely like irvine’s surrounding area better. i know its going to be ultimately my decision, but can you help me out by giving me some negatives and positives about both?</p>

<p>Whatever you do, don't make your final decision based on where your friends are going. There are 23,000 undergraduates at Davis; you're bound to make friends with at least one of them. Also, there are very many people in the same boat as you -- where they don't know anyone on campus.</p>

<p>As you said, this topic has been beaten to death billions of times. You're really going to have to figure this one yourself because they are very similar, with the exception being the surrounding area and commuter school vs college town. Just remember that even though UCI is considered a commuter school doesn't mean everyone goes home on the weekends / lives at home, and that a college town does not mean drunk college kids all over the town.</p>

<p>..Good luck =P.. I hope this thread doesn't get as heated as the previous threads.</p>

<p>Agreed. Do not base your decision on where your friends are going and on biased comments. For example, contradictory to what other people tell you, I felt that Davis had better looking girls than Irvine. The deciding factor should be where you think you'll enjoy the most during your next 4 years. But remember, they're both UC's, so either way you'll end up fine. Good luck!</p>

<p>Sigh I just turned down UC Davis for UC Irvine. I'm quite sad.</p>

<p>Why are you sad?</p>

<p>I really wanted to go to Davis, but my parents have been nagging me for the past month to go to Irvine. I just gave up fighting them every single day but in the end they won, so now I'm going to UCI.</p>

<p>=( That's too bad. Well best of luck to you at UCI.</p>

<p>dude i was in the same dilemma as OP. im from norcal, i have braces, and i really wanted to enter into the socal scene, so i was leaning towards irvine right off the bat. </p>

<p>after i went to davis once for decision day, it was one of the ****tiest receptions ever. i thought for sure irvine was the school for me. even after visiting it and seeing how nice the campus is and how pretty the girls are, i was almost certain that i wanted to go to irvine. </p>

<p>but then you have to think about the reality of the situation. being closer to home is a huge plus, no matter how much you hate your parents. it doesnt matter if you have friends going to that school or not since you're definitely going to want to meet new people. there are bound to be pretty girls no matter where you go. your environment is going to change after your dorm life (apartments off campus), so you need to contemplate on which environment would suit you more. </p>

<p>i ended up choosing davis after realizing there are more benefits of going there. my advice is to REALLY think about it. don't just make a decision based on where your friends want you to go. i spent a couple days meeting with a couple friends in my situation to discuss the pros and cons. now i feel comfortable with my decision.</p>

<p>good luck to you and to those still deciding uci/ucd</p>