UCI - a lot of construction?

<p>From what I see on the website, there seems to be a lot of construction at UCI. Is this true? I think the Student Center is being redeveloped and they are building Bren Hall for the ICS department.</p>

<p>Does this make the school feel like a construction zone?</p>


<p>yes, the freaking construction workers hog up all the parking spaces in mesa court. we pay 540 a year for the parking permits, and i still have to walk 10 minutes from my car to my dorm. btw, some say uci stands for under construction indefinitely.</p>

<p>Yeah there is. But in a way that's good cause it means that money is being pumped into the school.</p>

<p>when is the estimated time of completion for the new buildings? Having a student center under construction, where did they "move" it? Does it contribute to a lower quality college environment? (as far as hanging out [student center], classroom quality [bren hall alternate classrooms])</p>

<p>i think the new student center will be done by the coming school year. not really sure. as far as construction goes, i don't think it has affected anyone's studying or hanging out. so no, i don't think the construction makes it a lower quality evironment with the exception of less parking spaces.</p>

<p>The student center is supposed to be done in 2007 from what I heard. But it's going to be nearly twice as big as the existing structure. So if you're a new freshman, you'll have the new, awesome student center for 3 years. I'd take that over the previous one for four years. </p>

<p>As for Bren Hall, it's a new building, so it's not like there were previous classrooms there that are being bumped. I don't think they tore anything down to build there either. I think they just had space for it.</p>

<p>And UCI students should never, ever complain about parking. At other schools (especially UCLA) you're not even allowed to buy a parking permit if you live within a certain distance from the campus. At least at UCI everyone can get a permit. Finding a spot is a different story, but I don't think I've ever heard an instance of someone not getting a spot. People are just lazy and want a spot right next to their building, and unless you get there before 9:00 am, it ain't gonna happen.</p>

<p>yeah this is an old thread, but how is the construction at irvine?</p>

<p>is it almost completed?</p>

<p>i remember seeing some of the plans and it looked awesome.</p>

<p>We have been to UCI a couple of times and UCSD many times.</p>

<p>And at UCSD I have always felt like it was "under construction" and there was too much of it going on.</p>

<p>I was at UCI a couple of weeks ago and there are some construction but not overwhelming.</p>

<p>the student center is coming along very nicely and i am sure it will be done by fall for you freshies. it looks awesome and will be a great place for everyone to hang out. there is some expansion on the one of the humanities buildings and there is also a bio building that i could swear popped out of nowhere one afternoon.</p>

<p>so yes there is lots of construction, but it'll definately give rise to some good stuff.</p>

<p>The reality is actually every UC is under construction - of course some more than others. UCI and UCSD are particularly under construction becuase they are much newer than the other UCs (except merced). Also, being a public institution, a lot of construction goes at a slow pace here at UCI due to the slow flow of funds. The faster money comes in, the faster they can build. Besides that, all people who decide to come to UCI fall 2007 will have a brand spankin' new student center.</p>

<p>Here are some renderings of the new student center at UCI</p>

<p><a href="http://www.studentcenter.uci.edu/const_renderings.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.studentcenter.uci.edu/const_renderings.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Looks pretty nice...</p>

<p>That new student center looks beautiful. Modern with conservative undercurrents.</p>

<p>They plan to be done by summer this year, and they plan on moving in by Aug/Sep.</p>

<p>those are the plans i was talking about.</p>

<p>that tower looks awesome.</p>

<p>Last summer we went on a tour of California colleges and almost all of them had some kind of construction going on. UCI, Cal Poly, UCLA (Under Construction Like Always), and USC were all building new buildings. I don't recall seeing construction at UCSB, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were redoing something that we didn't see or that I just don't remember!</p>

<p>A sign of a school that is using the money for the school is construction on the campus. Even if they are not building a new building, they should be renovating another. All the great schools of this country constantly have construction going on, as if it was a badge of honor or something</p>

<p>Where exactly is the student center on campus? I remember seeing a lot of construction when I took a tour this time last year, but don't remember where the student center was.........</p>

<p>It's located right next to the Humanities building (between Humanities and Administration on Ring Road).</p>

<p>Not ringing a bell, I'll look for it when I check out the campus on Thursday.</p>