<p>ok i checked in princeton review and their average gpa was about 3.6 ...
but i just checked irvine's admission page and their avg gpa for 2004 was 3.9 .....</p>

<p>so i have no idea bout my chances now.</p>

<p>my gpa: 3.5 (constant rising gpa, sopho 3.17,3.54 junior 3.74, 3.8 etc)
international student from bangkok, thailand
sat: 1300~1350
sat II: havent take them yet, so ignore this factor for now
toefl: 640
Been in school JV/Var basketball team for 3 years
been in school JV/VAr volleyball team for 3 years
member of interact rotary (community service club) for 2 years
member of health club for 2 years
member of bball club (president) </p>

<p>what are my chances for these 2 schools, university of cali: irvine n santa barbara??
do i have even any chance at all?</p>


<p>Princeton Review has been a bit wonky recently with their statistical gatherings.
Assuming this is your weighted GPA:</p>

<p>UCI: Safe Match
UCSB: Safe Match</p>