uci appeal 2010

<p>yea thats a real bummer. uci is a real tease i tell you!</p>

<p>aww that sux IcantWAITtoBeat :(. Hopefully UCI makes up for it :D</p>

<p>I know but it’s not looking too great, if the waitlisters aren’t getting in there’s not much hope for the appealers.</p>

<p>Never know; UCSC rejected waitlisters and accepted appealers :)</p>

<p>There’s no thread in the UCSC forum. We have the facts from last year from UCI, tons accepted from waitlist and appeal. In '08 no one accepted from waitlist or appeal. '07 tons accepted off waitlist and appeal. This year none accepted off waitlist, the writing is pretty clear.</p>

<p>ur facts are off. UCI was the first UC to ever have waitlist and that started last year only as an experiment :frowning: which is a stupid procedure -.-. there was no such thing as waitlist in 08 and before. 09 was the first year there was a waitlist in the UC</p>

<p>Well, you can’t say nobody was accepted off the waitlist. I know people who were and just b/c people on CC don’t get in, doesn’t mean people who don’t post on forums get in. And OMGitsMe is right about the waitlist facts.</p>

<p>:(. Pull through :), sometimes lost causes can be misleading :). If OMG can get in UCSB appeal without even a single letter of rec(I’ve never heard of an appeal that worked without those), anything is possible</p>

<p>sorry forget the waitlist for '08 and '07. I knew that but was in a hurry typing it. The appeals though have gone a lot, little, a lot though like I said.</p>

<p>so i finally followed up on my appeal being accepted. I went to uci and they said that my may 1st deadline was a technical problem. They fixed it for me and changed the deadline for me to may 25. so i turned in my sir on tuesday.
good luck everybody</p>

<p>Ringo! that is great! i think you are the first one on this thread to get in! what were your stats and how good was your letter?</p>

<p>One of my friends at my school called the UCI admissions office and the person said that the appeal decision were supposed to come out last week, but they postponed it to the 1st week of June.
If they’re going to reject my appeal, why don’t they just hurry up and get it over with?!
Really, they’re too much :[
I can’t help but feel a glimmer of hope, even though I feel like I know the outcome. T_T

<p>heallokitty. i feel the exact same way. the only thing is about talking to the “admissions people” is that they all say something different. i also heard on one of these threads that the decisions would come out late july through sept. whooooo knooooows…</p>

<p>thats weird i got in on sunday :/. Not going though since i rather go to SB</p>

<p>eff you OMGitsMe T_______T"
i would give my left arm to be you right now.
bballplyrref seriouslyyy i just feel like dying.
That’s so weird all the people at my school haven’t heard back about their appeal yet… hmmm. I live right next to UCI, literally down the street! Maybe I should just waltz down there and pay them a visit and oh, you know, just ask them nicely WHAT THE HELL is going on with my appeal. *Sigh.

<p>bballplyrref let me know if you hear from UCIII!!!</p>

<p>:(. Well I know like 1 person from my school that got in so :/, maybe soon :).</p>

<p>ok. i called uci earlier today to ask them about the appeals decisions (it seems like i always talk to the same lady) anyways she said that we should here from them by august. then i asked her about when they said they would be coming out by late may and she said well they have barely started looking this week. so this whole time im talking to her im callin her bs and i soo wanted to tell her to jus give me a straight answer so i can make the proper preperations. this is ridiculous. every year it never seems to change! gosh!</p>

<p>omgitsme: did you just check your profile or had you just been waiting for an email. did you decline their offer?</p>

<p>randomly check o.o. I didnt decline it yet since I may consider :P</p>

<p>ohhh ok. i should have totally applied to sb!!! ughhhh! so many ppl got in. you know you are like one the rarest cases ever known to man! you got in on two appeals to two ucs at one of the tougest times to get into college.</p>

<p>lol Shiby also got in 2 out of 3 appeals though :confused: LA and SB :O. We both also appealed to UCD but poop them >.<.</p>