<p>I know there are two possible places to dorm as an incoming freshmen. What do you think about the dorms there? Like the bathrooms, location, price compared to renting an apartment, etc.? And do you think it would be reasonable for me to dorm there? It would take me about 40 minutes to drive to UCI in normal traffic. It's far but not tooo far.</p>
<p>Oh and another detail, do you think it would be academically beneficial to dorm at UCI as opposed to living at home?</p>
<p>same situation i’m in…40 mins to get there in open traffic, prolly an hour or more in the morning time (rush hour on the 405 ftw).</p>
<p>i’d also like to know how much apartments in the area go for XD in addition to everything stuntin asked.</p>
<p>I would definitely recommend dorming your first year. After your first year you can live off campus but being in the dorms is an excellent introduction to college in general. For a few reasons:
- Meet new people and build connections that will probably last through college
- Lots of people form study groups within dorms(outside dorms too but sometimes I see people studying and join them)
- Introduction to the life around campus, exposed to lots of events by being in the dorms
- Close to campus so no stress about getting to class your first year, can go study at the library at a whim, be more free to be involved in campus clubs</p>
<p>Why you can do most of this if you live off-campus first year, I believe the dorms provide an unmatched opportunity to transition into college life.</p>
<p>Mesa Over Middle Earth</p>
<p>'nough said</p>
<p>go take a tour and you’ll see why</p>
<p>well, both have advantages and disadvantages but architecturally-wise</p>
<p>Mesa PWNS ME</p>
<p>yeah if you do choose to dorm, choose Mesa!
although we dont have the best food -_-
but i definitely agree with tatertots’ reasons for dorming
its a different experience
i wouldnt suggest commuting if youre that far since the 405 is HELL
also depending on what classes you take, you might have to settle for early morning classes and i doubt you guys want to get up earlier than necessary</p>
<p>XD im planning on taking as many early morning classes as possible lol so i get the rest of the day to do w/e i want.</p>
<p>if you put off-campus on ur fafsa can you say you changed your mind? also, how much aid do they give you for off-campus?</p>
<p>I wanna dorm in Mesa just for the themes (and its location–so close to the Humanities building; I’ll just have to walk outside), but what else makes it better than Middle Earth?</p>
<p>Personally I live in Middle Earth, so I am biased. If you are a dance or drama major then definitely Mesa because you will have classes RIGHT there.
Humanities major? Won’t matter as freshman large lectures are all over campus(Hum core in Bio Sci Lecture Hall, Chem in Humanities Hall, Bio in Physical Science, …I even had writing class in Comp Sci building)
Middle Earth has better food than Mesa imo. Having a key card is so much nicer than the real key. I like the ME buildings better but the rooms are slightly smaller, but in ME I can put stuff under my super tall bed which I don’t believe is possible in Mesa(Only stayed there one night in SPOP)
We have also have individual study rooms in each hall which I have not seen in Mesa
I am definitely biased however.</p>
<p>If you have any questions about Middle I can try to answer them!</p>
<p>Edit: Themes matter very little in the long run. I posted about it in another thread but yea very little theme oriented events(and I mean VERY few, MAYBE 1 a quarter) That and a lot of people don’t get there first choice and end up randomly in all kinds of places so it generally doesn’t determine the type of people(sorta =/)</p>
<p>@tatertots: How about social life? Which seems more fun/lively?</p>
<p>Well I can’t really respond to which one is more fun and lively as I rarely venture into Mesa Court but…Middle Earth has TONS of stuff going on.</p>
<p>We have around 3-4 middle earth sponsored programs a week from Halloween dances to basketball tourneys to getting free goldfish(??? animal torture! oddist event I have seen) Those are the sponsored stuff and I am sure its similar in Middle Earth.</p>
<p>I am not really into the hardcore Party Scene so I don’t know how that compares but in my hall alone we have all kinds of people.
Lots of really social people, and lots of people that do nothing but study all day(I am in the intellectual something theme though).
Until recently I worked all weekend(at disneyland ahaha) so I don’t have much to share about how the weekends are but I happen to have an amazing RA so something is always happening.
Probably would help if someone that lived in Mesa would answer some questions…I’m pretty biased and not really antisocial but…yea.</p>
<p>Did that even get close to answering your question? I kind of went on…and on…and on.</p>
<p>^Oh no, that helps a lot! Thanks! I’ll definitely have to take a look at Middle Earth again.</p>
<p>Single room vs. double room? Advantages/Disadvantages. I want to know because there is not much of a price difference. And how many of you guys had a problem with your roommate when you first moved in?</p>
<p>^ Single Privacy and it’s YOUR ROOM</p>
<p>doubles u get to socialize more with one person and probably the biggest disadvantage is the privacy</p>
<p>I have been deciding between single and double too. Wanted a single cause I’m so particular I think my roommate might murder me. ha ha
But I emailed UCI asking how difficult it is to get a single, and got some vague reply about them being for those with medical needs. On the whole, single rooms seem to be discouraged, so I’m giving in, sucking it up and trying a double! As long as my roommate is clean and doesn’t smell weird! ha ha… seriously.</p>
<p>^ U guys do understand singles are HARD to get, also in addition to medical needs if you’re like a normal person u can get a single but you’ll pay more.</p>
<p>Yeah i would kinda perfer double because your going to want to tap into the social part of your life. Its kind of discouraging because its different, but you cant be by yourseft in your own comfort zone forever. :]. plus like ^ said its cheaper! MORE BOOK MONEY!!</p>
<p>Or food money
<p>huh? so there are only singles/doubles, no triples? I thought I saw triples on the website tho!</p>
<p>There are triples, and even a quad here and there!</p>