UCI Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

@kyotae. UCI does not rank their waitlist and you are waitlisted based on your 1st choice major. However, you could be admitted based on your 1st choice, alternate or Undeclared.

@Ats. You have to remember that all schools admit more students than spots so there would have to be a large portion of the admitted CS students needed to decline to be accepted from the waitlist. Since CS is highly impacted at UCI, the chance of being admitted off the waitlist to CS is not likely. Your chances are better for CE or Undeclared.

Is Software Engineering a competitive major at UCI?

I applied to CS and got waitlisted and I put Software Engineering as my alternate. I wasnā€™t really planning on attending if I got undeclared.

All majors in the College of information and Computer Sciences are competitive.

If in any case anyone contact admissions to check on wait list pl share.

when/how, historically, have waitlist decisions come out? (waves, dates, closing dates)

Iā€™m hearing that a bunch of people JUST got off the Irvine waitlist. Iā€™m in the Santa Barbara group chat and two people reported that they got off

Theyā€™re in state, non-engineering majors. I personally havenā€™t gotten off the waitlist yet but it seems like irvine is releasing the first wave right now

@gumbymom correct me if Iā€™m wrong, April 19th would be really early for Irvine waitlist right?


Just saw 2 posts on CC about waitlist admits at UCI. Environmental Policy and Mathematics. Yes, it is early for UCI but perhaps they accepted fewer applicants this year just to see how much their yield would be affected. Under enrolling and then pulling from the waitlist is better than over enrolling.


Yeah, thatā€™s what I thought. Hopefully it bodes well for the other waitlists. Maybe this year will be closer to 2020 than to 2021 in waitlist acceptance rate.


Hopefully that is true for the waitlisted students, but only time will tell.


just got admitted from the wait list for environmental science and policy. iā€™m oos


Daughter was just accepted off the waitlist. In state, mathematics


Did you get an email? or portal update?

Finally, my D22 got accepted from the Wait List today. Yay!
UW GPA 3.8
GPA 4.04
accepted as an Undeclared major
In-State - not local


My D22 got an email this am, and then check update in the portal. Got accepted.


OOS D~ just admitted off the waitlist.
Journalism major
4.3 GPA + all the normal stats

She already committed to another University but wanted people to know they are taking people off the waitlist.

Good luck to anyone who might be waiting.


Just saw this quote in regards to UCI admissions for this year:

Dale Leaman, UC Irvineā€™s executive director of undergraduate admissions, said the campus was ā€œsuper conservativeā€ in its initial admission offers this year. Thatā€™s because it overenrolled last year, after more students than expected accepted Irvineā€™s admission offer. This year, Leaman said, the campus will admit more students from the waitlist if needed.


She got an e-mail indicating there was a status update


My D22 just admitted off waitlist for journalism.
In state 4.0


My Daughter got off waitlist today for her 2nd choice - Environmental Engineering.

Her first choice is Computer Science and Engineering. We are now actively exploring the way to switch into CSE or ICS. From what we read so far, it is possible, with some determination of course.