UCI Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Same here… since my D22 is accepted w undeclared major, we were looking at their website… https://changeofmajor.uci.edu
and also contacted their U/U Advising office, and they said as long as the student meets the min req, then the change of major will be approved, except for the Business major which is highly competitive.


Did you also happen to ask about the ability to get into the required courses needed for the major change? Schools give priority to these courses where the student is already admitted into the major. This is the issue I had heard from current students trying to change majors especially Undeclared.

D22 accepted from waitlist into Chemical Engineering. BME was her first choice and has acceptances from other schools for BME. Hence, not going to pursue UCI.


Congrats to those who got accepted from the waitlist! :slight_smile: I personally have not gotten off, but if the first wave was today, does this mean there might possibly be another wave next week? Or could they still release some this week too?


If they are releasing in waves, then the admits are given a specific amount of time to decline or accept. After the deadline, if more spots are available, then another wave will happen. Probably the earliest would be next week but if the waitlist admit deadline is May 1 then could be longer. It will depend upon how many students accept their admission prior to the deadline.

We have no idea! Thanks for the heads up!

The acceptance letter said that we have until May 1st to accept and pay for the desposit.


Congratulations !
Has your D22 got her 1st preference ?

Congratulations to your daughter! Did she apply as undeclared or was she offered undeclared?

Thanks so much for sharing the info :heart:. We are hopeful.

Thanks! She applied for undeclared and undeclared as she tries to figure out his major.

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she applied for undeclared, and her HS friend also got accepted from WL as undeclared and she did apply with undeclared as well.

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My daughter was waitlisted and just got an acceptance
She was waitlisted in UCI UCSD UCB and UCSC. Alt she had Calpoly SLO NYU and SDSU


Thank you so much for your response :blush:

Congratulations! Would you mind sharing her major? Thank you.

Her major is Public Health Science

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Thank you! :blush:

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Has anyone got off the waitlist for any engineering major or ICS?

Any internationals who also got off the waitlist?

There has been an Environmental Engineering major admit and one OOS admit that I have seen so far. ICS admits are going to be tough from the waitlist since they are impacted. The majority will be alternate majors, less impacted majors or Undeclared.

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Is anyone on this thread from NJ and considering UCI? Thank you

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