<p>My brother attends UCD and he loves it there. His grades are very high and he had a chance to transfer to UCB to finish the last 2 years of his english major, but he turned it down. The intramural sports programs are a large part of the UCD experience. There's a lot to do at Davis. He hardly ever comes home. I'll probably go there too.</p>

<p>I have been to both schools and IMO there is no comparison. There is so much to do at Davis right on the campus in comparison to Irvine. UCI literally shuts down between 9 and 10 even on weekends and the majority of kids go home. In Davis we are an hour away from the bay area and Napa and two hours away from Tahoe.</p>

<p>The administration at Irvine is horrible. All the friends I have there do is complain about it. No one I know chose Irvine over Davis, sadly they had no choice since they got rejected at UCD. At UCI they even have facebook groups to gripe about not having football and not being allowed to bike and skate on most of the main areas of campus. Honestly they treat the students like high school kids. The excuse for no football given is that it would pemanantly change the community environment. In other words the neighbors don't want it so to heck with the students.</p>

<p>Davis is one of the safest communities around. Students enjoy low rates of crime and great relations with the community. The greek system at Davis is awesome and provides great opportunities for involved students. The parties given by the various houses are open to all. The houses are right on the edge of campus adding to the great college town environment.</p>

<p>Sacramento is great to have so nearby and provides lots of fun stuff for us to do. One of the popular events at UCD happens in the spring after finals. A huge group of students rent houseboats within our different groups, sororities/frats, sports teams, clubs etc. and go out on the sacramento river. It is an absolute blast. It is so obvious when kids come on here and try to say davis is boring that they have never been here. It is suprising how uncultured and unexposed some of these so-cal kids are. The only reason a person would be bored at UCD is because they are boring.</p>

<p>A bunch of us here in Davis have been studying for finals out by the pool for the last week in the 80 degree weather ;)
I would choose Davis based on the superior social life, D1 sports, amazing internship opportunities, outstanding academics, awesome college town environment, and beautiful campus.</p>

<p>"Nope, Davis is much better academically than Irvine, especially in the most important and respected field, science, specifically all things bio related. Irvine may be better in maybe art or music, or something like that.</p>

<p>Irvine should worry more about Riverside coming up. They just got approved for a medical school and will be moving up fast these next few years. UCSB and UCD have better reputations than Irvine.</p>


<p>Nate Cali,</p>

<p>Are you kidding me? Is your post even supposed to be taken seriously? I'm not a big Irvine fanboy by any means, but your post is ridiculous.</p>

<p>Science is the most important and respected field? SAYS WHO? Tell Shakespeare that. Who runs the UCD administration? All doctors and engineers?</p>

<p>Irvine should be worried about Riverside coming up? I'll bet you any amount of money you have and can borrow that Riverside will not outrank Irvine in U.S news in the foreseeable future. </p>

<p>Did not UCI outrank UCD in the U.S News in the past two years? Please tell me how you can conclude UCD is so much more superior as you claimed. Sources please. Or do you believe CalTech and MIT should be rotating to be rank one year after year because science is ?the most important and respected field?? </p>

<p>At least Voiceofreason spends some time looking for some biased polls before posting them on CC. I respect the school pride you guys have. Keep in mind this form is supposed to be informative for those making a decision for FOUR years of their lives. Please do not let your school pride blind someone from making the decision to the correct school.</p>

At least Voiceofreason spends some time looking for some biased polls before posting them on CC. I respect the school pride you guys have. Keep in mind this form is supposed to be informative for those making a decision for FOUR years of their lives. Please do not let your school pride blind someone from making the decision to the correct school."</p>

<p>Agreed. There is nothing wrong with supporting your school, but to propagate false claims to attract prospective students is low.</p>

I have been to both schools and IMO there is no comparison. There is so much to do at Davis right on the campus in comparison to Irvine. UCI literally shuts down between 9 and 10 even on weekends and the majority of kids go home. In Davis we are an hour away from the bay area and Napa and two hours away from Tahoe.</p>

<p>The administration at Irvine is horrible. All the friends I have there do is complain about it. No one I know chose Irvine over Davis, sadly they had no choice since they got rejected at UCD. At UCI they even have facebook groups to gripe about not having football and not being allowed to bike and skate on most of the main areas of campus. Honestly they treat the students like high school kids. The excuse for no football given is that it would pemanantly change the community environment. In other words the neighbors don't want it so to heck with the students.</p>

<p>Davis is one of the safest communities around. Students enjoy low rates of crime and great relations with the community. The greek system at Davis is awesome and provides great opportunities for involved students. The parties given by the various houses are open to all. The houses are right on the edge of campus adding to the great college town environment.</p>

<p>Sacramento is great to have so nearby and provides lots of fun stuff for us to do. One of the popular events at UCD happens in the spring after finals. A huge group of students rent houseboats within our different groups, sororities/frats, sports teams, clubs etc. and go out on the sacramento river. It is an absolute blast. It is so obvious when kids come on here and try to say davis is boring that they have never been here. It is suprising how uncultured and unexposed some of these so-cal kids are. The only reason a person would be bored at UCD is because they are boring.</p>

<p>A bunch of us here in Davis have been studying for finals out by the pool for the last week in the 80 degree weather<br>
I would choose Davis based on the superior social life, D1 sports, amazing internship opportunities, outstanding academics, awesome college town environment, and beautiful campus.


<p>Jesus, VoiceofReason, you are a ridiculous homer. You addressed every point in my post, but basically tried to make Davis look like paradise. I don’t gain anything by giving this guy the facts about UCD and UCI since I attend neither school. The only truthful statement in your post is regarding the biking and skateboarding on campus. UCI has made it so that you can’t bike or skate in certain areas because of past accidents. These areas in which the activities are banned are particularly hilly.</p>

<p>Greek parties are not open to all, unless you are a good looking female. Why are you lying about this? Last time I was in Davis, I was with a male friend and we tried to get into frat parties, but we were denied at the door. We have to go back to his apartment complex, pick up a few good looking girls, in order to gain admission to the parties. This is how it is at most frat parties. This is why you don’t want Greek Life to have a huge influence on the school’s social life.
The weather in Davis is almost identical to the weather in Sacramento. The summers are ridiculously hot (easily can go up to 100+), Fall is still very warm, the winters, Winters are pretty cold, rainy, and very windy, and the Spring is nice (up until May). I’m from Southern California and I couldn’t stand the weather in Davis.</p>

<p>Sacramento is polluted, hot, and very boring. I don’t see how you could think otherwise. It’s a nice place to visit once, but after your initial time being there, there’s no reason to go back.</p>

<p>UCI does have division I basketball, but no football team. Football at Davis is quite popular, though not on the level of a Pac 10 team. You get a small town kind of feel when going to football games at UCD.</p>

<p>Ultimately, your decision should be based on preference, since neither school is leaps and bounds better than the other. While people here have given you some information about the two schools, the best way to find out what school you’d be a better fit at is to visit both schools. Take a tour, but also talk to students, explore the surrounding areas, and maybe even sit in on a class.</p>

<p>I'd say UCD...not because of the academics but I'm from a high school that is like 90% asian and when I go to college I'd like to see some diversity. ..</p>

<p>what if you throw SB in the mix? any opinons?</p>

<p>"what if you throw SB in the mix? any opinons?"</p>

<p>Only a dumb ass would pass up UCSB for a ****ty school like UCD or UCI.</p>

<p>Worried Student the bias in your posts is beyond obnoxious. First of all I'm from nor-cal and the Sacramento area. How dare you disparage the area the way you did. You owe thousands of students an apology. We love where we live and find it far superior to the overcrowed, overhyped and plastic sothern cal region. As to smog, so cal has that one locked up and tied dude. You can't even begin to suggest that Sacramento has half the pollution trouble you have. I find the traffic in so cal so unbearable I never want to go back. Honestly it takes two hours to go a few miles anywhere down there.</p>

<p>As a student at UCD I am infinately more qualified to speak about my school than you. You are a high school kid who has only visited. (I kinda doubt the truth about that)</p>

<p>You clearly have never been to a UCD football game. The Aggie pack comes out in force and students here support our teams with enthusiasm. Just wait until our stadium opens dude. Perhaps it seems "small town" to people with small minds. Obviously you have never been back east to visit other college towns. You should get out more.</p>

<p>As to "trying to make davis look like a paradise" I'd say you did that first with your ridiculous attempt to diaparage UCD and make UCI seem like it is cool. (hahahahahahahahahahahaha)</p>

<p>Sorry someone didn't let you into a party one time. That is a rare occurance, or perhaps there was a reason not to let you in. Glad to hear you actually know a few hot girls who got you in dude. Ask the freshman who actually go here. We go to all kinds of parties both greek and house and people here are chill, not all fake and phony.</p>

<p>As to weather, the vast majority of students are not in Davis during the summer so who cares. The weather is fantastic in the fall and even better in the Spring when they ARE here. It is gorgeous. Yes we have winter weather, but no snow. I personally love the fall it is really nice to have the trees. The weather is rarely all that cold and I enjoy the rain. </p>

<p>Get over your southern california centric self dude.</p>

<p>i remeber reading some were that like 60-75% of UCD freshman went to ucd as a back up. Now if 60% of the freshman are force to go there yet still have a good time, then, ****, that says alot about the school.</p>

Worried Student the bias in your posts is beyond obnoxious. First of all I'm from nor-cal and the Sacramento area. How dare you disparage the area the way you did. You owe thousands of students an apology. We love where we live and find it far superior to the overcrowed, overhyped and plastic sothern cal region. As to smog, so cal has that one locked up and tied dude. You can't even begin to suggest that Sacramento has half the pollution trouble you have. I find the traffic in so cal so unbearable I never want to go back. Honestly it takes two hours to go a few miles anywhere down there.


You tell me not to insult Sacramento, yet you generalize about all of Southern California? I talked about Sacramento specifically, not all of Northern California. They air quality in most of the Bay Area is excellent; the same can’t be said for Sacramento. I’m from Redondo Beach, where the weather is outstanding, the pollution is low (since I’m less than half a mile from the beach), and it’s not overcrowded.</p>

As a student at UCD I am infinately more qualified to speak about my school than you. You are a high school kid who has only visited. (I kinda doubt the truth about that)


Hahaha…I am a Sophomore in college. My 1st cousins live in Davis and my best friend goes to UCD. I also go to school in the Bay Area, so Davis is only about 2 ? hours away. I have been to UCD 3 times and the town of Davis many times.</p>

You clearly have never been to a UCD football game. The Aggie pack comes out in force and students here support our teams with enthusiasm. Just wait until our stadium opens dude. Perhaps it seems "small town" to people with small minds. Obviously you have never been back east to visit other college towns. You should get out more.


Again, where did I say this? I said that football at Davis is quite popular, though not quite the same experience as a Pac 10 game. You are putting words in my mouth. Davis is a small town; that’s a fact. Nowhere did I say that the people are stupid.</p>

As to weather, the vast majority of students are not in Davis during the summer so who cares. The weather is fantastic in the fall and even better in the Spring when they ARE here. It is gorgeous. Yes we have winter weather, but no snow. I personally love the fall it is really nice to have the trees. The weather is rarely all that cold and I enjoy the rain.


Already addressed in my previous post.</p>

Get over your southern california centric self dude.


Have an inferiority complex…? I don’t even live in Southern California anymore (except during the summer).</p>

<p>Worried Student the attitude and inferences in your posts are obvious and speak for themselves. As I said I am from the Sacramento area HOW DARE YOU BE SO INSULTING. You are obnoxious. I don't care where you are from, what grade you are in or who you know. You are not a student at UCD and you are not qualified to speak about it in the same way as those of us who actually live here and go to school here. Davis is a college town. There is a big difference between a college town and a small town. Perhaps that's a little too much for you to comprehend. Does it make you feel big to put other people's schools and hometowns down? I'd say you have an immense EGO problem dude.</p>

if you knew anything you'd know that Sacramento has a few days during the summer where the air quality is poor. Normally we have no problems due to the delta breezes that come in at night and cool us down. They make for amazing evenings in the summer (unlike the bay area). You make it sound like Davis has a problem with air quality during the school year....never. In the Sacramento area the main place where the air problems occur, when they occur, is right near the foothills which is far from Davis.</p>

<p>Given the choice of living in the Sacramento area or orange county area I would choose orange county.........thats just me, and not looking at the schools at all and also irrelevant to this topic but all these UCx or UCx school threads are getting ridiculous anyway.</p>

<p>:? This is the UC forum, what do you expect? A thread about Harvard?</p>

<p>Unbiased post which definitely aren't anywhere to be found here</p>

<p>What? You were talking about threads about the UCs ... unless I misread that ... but I def. agree with your point about the unbiased posts.</p>

<p>Ah, I didn't mean the threads themselves, i mean't some of the responses to those threads. I know it doesn't help any when you're trying to save money but visiting the schools is the best bet, and I guess i have been spoiled having visited most of the schools while just visiting friends at various UC's.</p>

<p>Still haven't seen an actual UCI student post on this thread, but I guess here are some pluses about Irvine:</p>

<p>In Southern California.<br>
If you don't like it, that's your problem, but a Mediterranean climate in a quiet and nice suburban setting doesn't necessarily not appeal to everyone. Irvine has a mild climate that is generally better than any other UC besides maybe UCSD.</p>

<p>Better Rankings.
Whatever the individual rankings are for Davis vs. Irvine aren't taken into account, nor is the apparent error in USNews' ranking of Davis, but aero engineering and physics tend to require a Master's Degree and, consequentially, rankings will matter when choosing a grad school (Perhaps UCD since the rankings put it's aero engineering pretty high up?)</p>

<p>Close to LA.
UCD has the Bay, Irvine has LA. If you like being close to the largest metropolitan area in the West, Irvine is a superior choice. As much as there is to do at Davis, there are significantly more options in LA. Since Irvine has a reputation as a commuter school, it probably isn't too uncommon for friends to take friends to LA for the weekend to visit family, and the attractions. </p>

<p>Just my opinion on some of the issues raised.</p>

<p>i was wondering, can someone help me compare these two schools in economics and business majors (provided both colleges offer them) thanks in advance!</p>