Uci tag

<p>i submitted a tag and the lady said go ahead and check the box on the uc application since i would be approved, but on the UC application it says check only if you have a signed TAG</p>

<p>what should i do???</p>

<p>Check the box like she said. I checked it, submitted my app, then faxed my TAG over to UCI, got the TAG signed and mailed back to me, and that’s that. You’ll get your TAG signed eventually anyways. Even if you don’t, no harm done.</p>

<p>thanks man, the only problem is she said she was going to do the TAG’s this weekend, and i emailed and called her, but no response
lets say i dont check the box, but i get approved, the TAG will still go through correct?</p>

<p>or should i not check the box (or check it) and tell them about it under the section 3 prompt where you can talk about whatever?</p>

<p>I’m not sure about that, someone else might be able to help there. But why take the risk of signing TAG and not checking the box, stating you did TAG? If I were you, I’d just check it as there is no possible threat even if you are denied(??). lol, hopefully no risk.</p>

<p>thanks , thats what i was thinking. I think im just going to check the box, and leave a comment about the situation in the additional comments box unless someone has any other suggestions</p>