<p>I'm applying this fall and was reading the requirements for UCSD just now. </p>
<p>1) Just to clarify, all I have to do is check a box on my application this fall? No paperwork/counselors whatsoever? </p>
<p>2) I read UCI's TAG requirements and they said that anyone with coursework from a 4 year university is ineligible (I withdrew from a 4-year after fall semester). UCSD's, however, didn't mention anything like this. Is this UCI specific or does it apply to all of the UC TAG agreements? (:( if it does...)</p>
<p>3) Assuming I'm safe to sign a TAG with UCSD, would it wise to just apply to Cal, UCLA, and have UCSD as a safety? My parents don't want me applying to too many schools like I did in high school (spent ~$700!) and don't want me going to a school I got into out of HS (all the UCs except the aforementioned ones). I don't know, it just feels too good to be true to have a guarantee at a school I got rejected from out of high school by merely keeping up a 3.0 at CC. </p>
<p>Thanks in advance for reading this and answering. Good luck '09 applicants.</p>
<p>I’m actually wondering the same thing about how to fill TAG out. I’m applying for Fall 10’ and I believe I’ve already finished the UCSD TAG and have definantly done the UCI TAG. Just need to know where to get the form, fill it out, and then what.</p>
<p>Hey guys, I am going to be applying this fall as well. I go to a CC in San Diego right now, and I had to go to a TAG orientation meeting for UCSD and do some light paperwork. Basically, from what I can tell, you don’t need to sign anything, but it is good to work with a counselor to ensure that you’re on the right track. I am going to be filling out a TAG contract with UCSD after this semester and having it signed JUST INCASE something should go wrong and I get rejected from UCSD, I have it on file that I am guaranteed acceptance.</p>
<p>Good luck! [: You need to fill it out with a counselor and they take it from there. I strongly suggest you to nag them until you get confirmation that they sent it or whatever. Seriously! [:</p>
<p>If you apply for next year…I think it will be different? So you might want to wait…not sure tho! [: Check back with the website!</p>
<p>When I talked to the UCSD rep back in october, she said if you’ve met the requirements you can just click on the box when applying. They are slowly phasing out the paperwork…I believe its the same with UCI and UCSB, not a 100% sure about those two though.</p>
<p>1.) Yes. I didn’t do TAG for UCSD but i remember being told that UCSB and UCSD did not need paperwork. If you fulfill the reqs, you can check the box. I had to fill out paperwork for UCI though.
2.) It is specific to UCI. UCI rejected my TAG for university coursework (I took a few quarters at a 4 year), but UCSB did not give me any trouble. Didn’t really matter at the end since I got into all 3 (UCI, UCSB, UCSD) and I only had one TAG work (UCSB).
3.) If you’re confident enough in your GPA, fulfill all prereqs, have some decent extracurriculars, and fulfill TAP, then yes. I’m paranoid by nature so I applied to backup backup schools just in case.</p>
<p>For someone who asked above, you should fill out the TAG form with a school counselor. Be careful of the TAG deadlines though, since I remember while most of the deadlines were around when the UC app was due, some of the deadlines were really early (I think it was UCD’s was really early?).</p>
<p>theregoesevan: sounds good to me.
Like you I signed the TAG Agreement as a just in case.
What’s your major and how many units are you taking at city?</p>
<p>Thanks for the answers everyone. I’ll talk to a counselor next week (when school starts again) about TAG and I’m paranoid as well so i’ll apply to Irvine as well haha.</p>
<p>Erikuh- Best of Luck! By the way, I was running around school today because of an IGETC miscommunication- and a counselor told me that you can just check boxes on your UC application and you’ll have a TAG with that school. I could be quoting that wrong, but check it out!</p>
<p>Can someone please help me out here. I am going t apply to uc’s at the end of this semester; however, i am not sure when to apply for the Tag agreement. can you guys please let me know if iam too late or i still can apply for the tag agreement. thanks</p>
<p>^ haha my super old thread just got gravedug. </p>
<p>You’re not too late.
Check with a counselor for which schools you are TAG eligible with then just check the box on your application before you turn it in.</p>
<p>for SD you have to have both your english and your math done by the fall term you apply at latest though. beyond that just click TAG on your application.</p>