UCI, UCLA, SDSU, CSUF, Domincan, and USF Direct Entry Nursing Chances?

What are my chances of getting into the direct entry BSN program at UCI, UCLA, SDSU, CSUF, USF, and Dominican?

UC GPA: 4.19 (Weighted) 3.89 (Unweighted)
SAT: 1220. 6/5/6 essay (will retake a couple of times)
ACT: not taken yet (24 practice)
Biology E/M SAT: not taken yet

Classes Taken/Taking:
AP World: B and a 3 on the AP test
AP Psych: A (currently taking)
AP Bio: A-B range (currently taking)
AP Gov/AP Micro Econ: (taking senior year)
AP Spanish: (taking senior year)
AP English: (taking senior year)
Honors Spanish: A
Honors Pre-Calculus: (taking senior year)
Honors Physiology: (taking senior year)
Physics: (taking at a community college)
Statistics: (taking at a community college)

Extracurriculars and volunteering:
Link Crew at high school (1-2 years)
Camp counselor (1 year)
Mentor/Tutor (1-2 years)
Varsity Football Filming Manager (1-2 years)
JV Boys Volleyball (2 years)
New Leaf Club Member (1-2 years)
School Conflict Manager (1-2 years)
Cafeteria worker (3 years)
Church VBS Volunteer (1 year)
Church AWANA Volunteer (2 years)
John Muir Internship w/ nursing experience (1-2 years)

I am planning on doing more Extracurriculars outside and inside of school including CSF and NHS. I am also planning on joining more clubs senior year. I am currently a Junior in high school. I would appreciate getting feedback on my chances. My SAT and ACT scores are pretty low so could I get some tips for those also? Thanks!

You don’t list a chemistry course and you a a little behind on the level of math classes. Consider dropping physiolog for math or take a summer pre-calc course and move to calc in senior year. You need to look at the top range of SAT/ACT scores and see where you fall, you need to be in the 75%. Your GPA is competitive, you are lacking leadership roles. I would expand on the John Muir internship program. Can you go for tutoring for SAT prep? Consider the ACT, some math/science students are able to score higher, study, study, study.

I think you should try to get a 1400 on the sat to be a competitive applicant.