UCI UNDECLARED my major. Can I still choose my 1st choice major?

I was accepted to UCI today, however in the major section, it is written that my major is Undecided/Undeclared. However my choices were Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. This also happened to a friend of mine. Does anyone else have the same situation? Do you have any ideas about what will happen ? Thank you and I wish all you guys good luck :slight_smile:

If you arenโ€™t accepted directly into an engineering major I believe you need to follow this process to get in.


Same thing, first choice is computer science. However accepted by UCR into CS. Should I go for UCR?

@Tigger8 It looks like you only need to average 2.0 at UCI to get into CS.


You should talk to a counselor before making a final decision, but it appears if you are willing to work hard the first year you can easily get into CS. UCI is a better school in a nicer location than UCR.

Thank you!