<p>Accepted to UCI, UCD, and UCSC
Majoring in Drama/Theater
Which school has the better Theater Department/Presitge around campus?
(If any at all)</p>
<p>I had a similar thread at the below address
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=158206%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=158206</a></p>
<p>I dont know what to say. Before from what i heard i thought Davis would be some boring farmland that just happened to have a college and maybe a few places to go. I thought Irvine was this really nice place all in Orange County with beaches and shopping marts and and generally a lot of things to do. I heard somebody stare a friend down in awe today cuz she said she was going to UC Davis and was all "how could you do that to yourself!" and saying hows its just farmland and blah blah and i felt kinda nervous being close by since i've actually been considering Davis. But from the lack of negative response to Davis in these forums, now im getting an impression it isnt as bad as people say in my schoool. So who knows.</p>
<p>I am constantly amazed at the ignorance of So Cal about UCD. It seems to come especially from those who live in and around UCI. I have been to both schools on more than one occasion and I can honestly say that UCD is the nicer campus and community of the two. Instead of taking someone else's word on this, why don't you make a visit? The first question I would ask someone advising me to pick a certain campus over another is if they have visited them both. This is common sense, and you may regret your decision later if you don't make an educated one.</p>