UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Thank you again. :heart:

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@paximadiana Wonderful news! My daughter had an interview last week Thursday! Fingers crossed both our daughters get accepted!


Same experience, My daughter interviewed for TFT yesterday, 4 questions, just over 5 1/2 minutes total. Fantastic that the extraordinarily talented TFT professionals felt her application/audition was good enough, through many cuts, to earn an interview. Some validation even if she ultimately does not get into the TFT program. Good luck to both of your young adults.


re: UCLA Alumni Scholarship

I got the George Brown email on Feb 15 to join the online Prospective Scholars Day presentation.

I registered on Feb 16.

Then, on Feb 17, I got an identical email from him inviting me to join.

The Alumni Association marketing engine needs some improvement. :wink:

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Regents should come out today


And the source of this information is…?

Wonderful and agreed. With all the uncertainty the global pandemic brought, it gave my daughter a glimpse of an unlimited future and validated her as an accomplished scholar and artist. And for that, I will be forever grateful :pray:


Wonderful and yes, keeping fingers (and toes!) crossed! One month more…

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My daughter got that email last night at 10:55pm and just saw it this morning. When she went to register it said it was now closed. I emailed the person on the email and got a response back that said the site was frozen due to high demand. It said the problem should be fixed by tomorrow morning and another email will be sent when it’s resolved. I know 2 of the sessions are tomorrow afternoon, so I’m hoping we can still sign up that late.


Me too, but to be fair, the second email had the following sentence: “If you have already registered we look forward to seeing you this weekend.” So, I think they were just reminding people.

Same with my daughter



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The Alumni Scholarship Prospective Scholar Day session sign up link is working again! Use the link in your email if you got one.

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Yes, was able to register

Registered but have not received the email. Glad I took a screenshot with the Zoom ID.

A new email with working link to sign up was sent about half hour ago.

Yes my daughter got it too… does everyone gets it ?

Same here. We signed up but haven’t received the confirmation email yet. I took a screenshot as well.


We got the processing email

The original email said that if you register a zoom link will be sent after 5pm on 2/18.