UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Do you think the alumni scholarship invitation is more targeted this time?

Congratulations on your daughter’s early decision admission! Generally ED acceptances are binding so your daughter should have pulled out from all her other applications at this point. But maybe you meant Early Action. Early Action decisions are not binding. Good luck to your daughter in her college years.


I understand what you say.
Yes. We will withdraw all applications soon. We applied ED. We didn’t do yet because we didn’t know how much get financial aid .
Thank you.


As far as I can tell, it doesn’t mean anything in regards to admission. Our son did not get one, but was essentially notified of admission early as a top engineering admit (invite to special engineering day a week before acceptances came out). Some will get the Alumni email and not be admitted while others who I suspect are close to Regents level won’t get it. Not a thing to worry about IMO.


I hope you got the financial aid you needed!

Adding: my daughter did get the invite to apply. She was accepted as an engineering student but did not get the scholarship. I think there might be a very small correlation but not one to worry about.

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I do not work for the university so have no way of knowing. Over the past few years, more and more students have been receiving invites. Last year it seems like the majority received invites and only a small number of kids reported not receiving it. Always check your spam and promotions folders because sometimes emails accidently end up there.

I read e mail. I guess most who got emails may be accepted because it doesn’t say directly but says indirectly. LOR in ucb is also good signal but some students said that some of them did not get in with LOR. But most students got in as far as I followed . But the students also can be admitted without those things since the school population are large right?

Yes. The school is very generous and we got. We withdrew university of chicago Early action and northeastern early action ( she maybe accepted because they submitted all financial documents i guess. ) but we didn’t because public university specifically doe require it.

My brother got the alumni scholarship email tonight. For what it’s worth, I got it two years ago and got rejected, so he understands it doesn’t mean acceptance.


We received it too… OOS.

The general scholarship application is asking pretty much the same information as UC application. Anyone know if the scholarship applications are reviewed along with admission applications or separately.

The Alumni association does not have access to the UC application. UC admissions forwards a list of potential candidates to the Alumni association.

The shortlisting process appears to be based primarily on a) did you write an essay that stands out and gets noticed by your reader and b) your community service and similar ECs. Its different from the Regents scholarship which is based more on pure academic talent (and obviously relies on the original UC application for shortlisting).


Applicants are admitted to UCLA without getting the Alumni Scholarship invite and applicants are admitted to UCB without getting an LOR. Do not read anything into either situation. There is no guaranteed admission unless you receive an invite for Regents but there are exceptions.


Thank you. I was referring to the general scholarship application which must be completed before alumni or other scholarship applications can be started.

Sorry, missed the word General. Since a scholarship is awarded through the financial aid office which is separate from admissions, they are probably reviewed also separately but cannot confirm.


Our D22 received an invitation as well. Does it impact her admission chances, if she chooses to not apply for the scholarship?

No, it will not impact her admission decision if she does not apply for the scholarship.

Gumbymom, thank you for all you do for these forums! When do Regents notices go out generally?

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So Gumbymom not everyone gets the email, it is selective at some level?