UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Last year, the Regent email invite with code was sent around February 9th.


Yes, the Alumni Scholarship invite is selective at some level just not sure what is the threshold. Last year, there was an increase in the # of invitations sent out but as I have stated on a couple of prior posts, anyone can apply for the Alumni Scholarship.


Thank you, you have likely saved countless parents therapy and helped them sleep at night with you clutch information, appreciated!!!


But it is likely. Who knows ? I read it in reddit but they were almost admitted. That is it.
I will share if my daughter will be admitted both schools with them.

UCLA does not outright accept their Regents candidates in February but I have yet to hear of a student who received the Regents invite and was not admitted.

UCB sends out their Regents invites along with a letter of acceptance in early Feb.

UCLA requires Regents candidates to submit an additional essay where UCB requires Regents candidates to interview. The two schools don’t coordinate but usually UCLA and UCB Regents invites are sent the same week - often the same day and sometimes the same hour.


Thank you for all you do for us in these forums!

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Thank you for always being willing to share the information you know. It’s invaluable in this process. I’m curious if the invitations are also generated by the admissions committee through an applicant’s request for financial aid and completion of the FAFSA application? Or is the offer to apply for these scholarships offered to applicants regardless of financial aid request or need?

My D received an invitation this morning and we have not asked for financial aid, so looks like the two are not connected.


Thank you and thanks for all you do on these forums as well!

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Thank you. Some colleges clearly say scholarships are reviewed along with admissions and not to use the same essay responses.

UC’s are need blind so the request for financial aid is not a consideration in the admission process. Also admissions and the financial aid office are separate.


@Gumbymom knows. She has been doing this for a while, and her information is based information shared by UC schools, and her personal observations over several years. It is easy to point to anecdotal cases (and lies, tbh) on this and other boards - believe me, I have done it myself more than once. But when the dust settles, Gumbymom’s info is very reliable.

I only say this because making a statement that a LOR req. from UCB or Alumni Scholarship invitation from UCLA is “a good signal”, without anything to corroborate the statement, is misleading and can cause undo anxiety and stress with students and parents who come to this board looking for help.


I believe you mentioned earlier that your daughter was accepted ED at another college? In that case shouldn’t she have withdrawn from the UCs and other colleges by now?


My OOS S22 received the Alumni Scholarship email. His stats are not stellar so I’m guessing it was his volunteer/community service work that made him stand out enough to get the email.


I am confused by your statement above (“but we didn’t because public university specifically doe require it”) that implies you don’t need to withdraw applications at public universities if you have been accepted Early Decision at another institution. This is not my understanding of Early Decision contracts. You may want to talk to your guidance counselor to clarify.


To clarify, UC admissions or UCLA admissions? I ask because my child applied to one of the professional schools at UCLA that made it very clear her application will not be considered/reviewed for an alternate major. Does receiving the invite indicate some correlation?

Found my answer on the UCLA page. They state using same essays across is OK as long as it is appropriate.

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Again, getting the UCLA Alumni scholarship invite does not indicate a higher chance for admission. UC admissions and the Alumni association are 2 separate entities. Last year, many applicants received the invite and many were not accepted. Counter to this, there are applicants that did not receive the invite but were accepted.

The fact that there may be correlation (depending on how selective UCLA admissions were in compiling the original list for the invitation email) is in no way causation.

I cannot comment on other scholarship awarded at the other Campuses other than Regents which with a few rare exceptions means an acceptance.


And regardless of what the ED contract says (and I do believe most/all colleges with ED expect you to withdraw from everywhere else regardless of private or public) - by not withdrawing you are holding up a seat that could be offered to another applicant.