UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Good luck!


Fully weighted is unlimited weighted classes taken 10-11th grades and UCLA looks at all 3 UC GPA’s.

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Is it accurate to say GPA comparisons are only relevant in the context of applicants from the same high school (or) do AOs make GPA comparisons between applicants from different school districts?

Admissions will review the applicant within the context of their HS so looking at GPA only, you need to compare yourself with your fellow HS students.

I have said this many times, GPA is not evaluated in a vacuum. There is more to the UC application than GPA.

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I though the AP limit was 8 as well but that could have changed. :woman_shrugging:

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Max 8 semesters according to

I think UCLA (and perhaps Berkeley) consider both unweighted GPA and FULLY weighted GPA; the capped GPA is not as relevant to UCLA and UCB. So they consider more than just 8 semesters. Also, AP courses figure prominently in assessing rigor, so senior year AP are really big for UCLA even though they don’t include them in the GPA.


There is a limit on the # of semesters for UC approved Honors, AP/IB or DE classes taken 10-11th for the capped weighted UC GPA, but not for the Fully weighted UC GPA.

@mhafez01 is correct in that UCLA and UCB specifically state they consider the Fully Weighted UC GPA in their admission decisions. In General, all UC’s consider all 3 UC GPA’s but may not specifically state it on their website.

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They do but someone up thread (#778) mentioned a max of 10 weighted semesters for the capped weighted GPA. A couple of people questioned whether it was 8 or 10.

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Does anyone know if not applying for the alumni scholarship would adversely impact an admission’s decision? I thought the email about the scholarship went to all students. Does it only go to some?

Not applying for the Alumni Scholarship will have no impact on your admission decision.


Hi**, I’m wondering if anyone has experience with UCLA’s (residential) pre-college “summer sessions” program? Looking at one in the performing arts (Voiceover acting). Would love to hear any feedback, please feel free to message me. Thank you!

**I apologize if this post does not belong here, but there’s not much helpful discussion on this elsewhere, and I figured this crowd would probably have the most experience with the university! Please be kind :slight_smile: and remove if not appropriate. Thank you.

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Has anyone heard when decisions will be out?

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Friday March 18 based on past history.


Do you happen to know what time it comes out?

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Usually around 5 pm PST
Last year the first decision was posted around 5.04 pm


It’s virtual so parking won’t be an issue.

Hi Khrmail- You may want to run a search for “Summer sessions” within the CC UCLA area, maybe add voice after the quote for more specific info… good luck!

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Can you provide a source saying its virtual? I don’t see that anywhere.

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It will not be virtual