UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

OOS for UCD 2021 was 80.8% but the yield was 6.5%. They admitted 7649 OOS applicants but only 499 enrolled. This is why the acceptance rates are high which means really nothing if you cannot afford to attend.


What time do we think we’ll see acceptances today?

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5 pm predicted i think

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I wonder if they used the waitlist far more this year to help the yield…seemed like that OOS number was likely down this year…

UCLA has historically posted after 5 PM PST.


Two years ago my child received the email at 5:45 pm.


I’m guessing OOS yield for all schools is lower but they still accept in-state preferentially unlike the UCs

Looks like UCI may be posting decisions.


nothing here

just got a UCI acceptance


Is it favoritism or do OOS applicant skew higher stats? I don’t know the answer-but given the significant lift in cost, the profile of the OOS applicant may be more monolithic and like my family, see UCX as substitutes for private schools rather than public school alternatives.
I imagine in-state will be a greater mix…

FYI UC Irvine just released results!!


They’re rolling not everyone’s is out yet and congrats to everyone that’s admitted and good luck to those waiting!!


in state or oos if u dont mind me asking

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I believe OOS are accepted based on their merits long before their ability to pay is fully known. E.g., a student with a 2.5 GPA might not get in, regardless of OOS or in-state status.

Are decisions out at 5 P.M.? Any confirmations?

in state local

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UC’s are need blind and do not take the ability to pay into consideration for admissions.


Not true- Financial Aid deadline (March 2) is prior to decision release: Apply for financial aid | UC Admissions

Also, I may be wrong but I thought UC does not offer aid to OOS. My hypothesis is that OOS applicants assume they are paying 60+

UC’s offer no need-based aid to OOS students except for any federal aid if they qualify. Merit aid is very rare such as Regents or Chancellors so yes, you have to assume as an OOS admit you will be paying full fees.