UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

thats good that she is in at top universities so she has some options. Thats always a good idea to have options.

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Thanks - I’ll have him do that!

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We expected it.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Daughter got in CS! OOS


Has anyone that was accepted been able to view their financial aid? We had our son make account like gumbymom posted. He got a response his provisional award letter (pal) isn’t available.


Was soooo excited to be accepted yesterday!! After a few recent rejections it was such a great surprise. Automatically has jumped to the top of my list!! Waiting on a few more next week but this might be the one!! Biggest challenge for me is the distance. I’m in PA and am nervous about being so far from home. Any words of wisdom?


When will students accepted off the waitlist be notified? June?

Little Brother OOS - Waitlisted

  • L&S / Pre-Psychology
  • 3.94 UW / 4.19 UC Capped / 4.44 UC Uncapped / 11 HL / 9 APs / 4 DEs / 2 UCLA Summer Session courses
  • Research @ UCSF, 4 years of JROTC, 2 summer programs @ UCLA, class president all 4 years, president for 3 student clubs, NHS, team captain in local soccer league, part-time at family business, other random ECs, misc. minor awards
  • Subjective, but pretty solid essays that were very personal and moving

Accepted @ UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine, and UC San Diego so far. He wasn’t too disappointed with the waitlist decision at UCLA–I’m glad he’s taking it in stride and is staying hopeful! He’s for sure opting into the waitlist as UCLA is his top choice. However, congrats to everyone who did get in! And head up high to everyone else!


This whole thing could be my kid except different far away state. Moving away is an adventure…those are my only words of wisdom. Enjoy…isn’t it a great feeling after the rejections?

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So sweet, looking out for your little brother. :hugs:


Thanks! Both of us are first gen and my parents don’t know much when it comes to college admissions, but I was fortunate to get into my dream school at UC Berkeley back in 2014 and I just wanted my brother to have the same opportunities as I did, so I’ve been pretty invested in his high school and college admissions process :sweat_smile:


Yes, my daughter has received her fin aid.

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Same here. No FA yet. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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So was my daughter and she applied for the scholarships which was another 2 weeks of essay writing. This email should really be sent AFTER the student is accepted IMO. Why have the student do all that work only to be denied.

I would say to anyone reading this after getting an email invitation for the Alumni scholarship invite sent in January. It means nothing. Absolutely nothing. Proceed as normal and hopefully you applied to a variety of schools.


My memory from last year is that the Financial Aid info came out a week or two after our son was admitted this time last year. That said, if you have it for any other of the UCs, minus awards specific to a particular campus (i.e. you somehow get Regents at one school but not another), we found in the end that the FA offering was pretty much the same.


It may depend on when you filled the FAFSA that included UCLA. However, if you are talking about the Alumni Scholarship, that may still be under consideration and those numbers won’t be reflected until they send out the decisions. I am not sure about the timelines for those usually, but we heard from one of the readers in the forum that they will be reading the Alumni essays today. Maybe somebody knows when they release those (in a week?)

Yes. This is what he has as well. We prepared Fafsa way back in November with UCLA on the list.

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I would say that it depends on the report sent by the school, rather than “charter schools in general” - IF anything. I don’t think anyone in admissions purposefully singles out charter schools as not up to par!

Same — we can’t see anything at UCI either, though did get a financial aid offer for Davis. FAFSA submitted months ago.