UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Rejected UCLA, as expected.

Waitlist UCSD (top choice, rip)

Accepted UCI :))


Anyone receive a Regents Scholarship yet? Are they out?

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Out of State Applicant

UW 3.83 / 7 APs / 7 DEs / 12 IBs / 999+ volunteer hours / 5 internships in government + campaigning experience / President of Model UN / Interested in International Relations and East Asian Affairs

Accepted UCLA in the College of Letters and Science for Pre-Political Science

Accepted at UCSD as a major in International Studies - Political Science and in Roosevelt College.


Does anyone know if OOS are eligible for Regents scholarship?

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Regents is given to both in-state and OOS.


Thank you. I wasn’t sure based on the fact people are saying no merit based aid for out of state students. Have to admit I was a little shell shocked when the $0 showed up for aid but offered parent loans for $60k a year! :woman_facepalming:


OOS D22 — with a competitive profile (uw 3.9 GPA with a rigorous schedule, 10+ APs, a ton of ECs, leadership roles and good recommendations) — is rejected. NMF, too (…but that does not matter with UCs….). UCLA played it straight and is a great college. No complaints whatsoever! It is that kind of an admission cycle - a complete random walk. Congrats and good luck to all accepted students!


Completely understand; we are OOS too. But Regents is given to very small number of applicants. There is also the Alumni scholarship if your kid applied for that.


Rejected. D22 OOS. 1500 SAT, 11 AP classes. 5.03 weighted/4.7 unweighted. Level 10 gymnast. Solid volunteerism. Very disappointing. Thought there was a very good shot. Hard to see so many rejections from someone who has worked so hard and seemed to do things the right way.

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For future reference: My son never received the email invitation to apply for the Alumni Scholarship although many more kids did this year. I worried about this for weeks!

He was accepted! In state, Business Econ


UCLA Waitlist
International - Asian

Test Waive
GPA 3.93 weighted, School No Rank
Applied for Business Economics (Pre)
Essays, Activities OK

Also waitlisted by UCSD, UCI, Notre Dame
I want to get off waitlist ahhhhhhh


Thank you! She’s very excited but still is waiting Cal. Then we can put down our deposit

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A post was split to a new thread: Choosing between UCLA and UW?

Ours did not do the alumni scholarship either. He was going to, but as he was writing he was discouraged in spending the effort when he wasn’t admitted yet. In hindsight, he wishes he completed it.

D22 OOS; CS applicant; 1560 SAT, 4.0/4.73 GPA; 3 AP/IB in Physics, Bio, Calc, CS; 1 Chem; all 4 and 5s on AP tests so far (10); 20 AP/IB by graduation.
good ECs; essays - no idea.
Rejected UCLA
Accepted UCSD
Waiting on Berkeley M&T

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In-State applicant; mathematics/economics; 4.0 UW, 4.71 W (12 APs - mostly 4s and 5s)

UCLA: Accepted
UCSD: Accepted
UCI: Waitlisted


out of state probably tough
did you apply in your state and get in?

And my son got the email invitation for the Alumni scholarship (and sent it in) in Jan, and was still rejected :frowning:


UCI → Massive Yield Protection


Yes - OOS (Out of State). She is in at several top universities, but did not apply to our home state. You are correct in that it would have been a safety for her. Based on the numbers, she looked pretty good to get into UCLA.

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