UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

since he was jrotc did he apply for the rotc scholarship and put ucla as his top choice?

No he didn’t apply for it, he really didn’t want to take on the commitments that entail doing an ROTC scholarship haha

thats too bad especially when did jrotc. i understand, but its definitely an honorable thing for those who choose to do ROTC. good luck to him. hope his other prospects work out

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How do you see if you got UCLA regents? (or regents/scholarships in general for the UC’s)?

Also, do you need to file the FAFSA to be eligible for UC merit scholarships?

You do not need to file the FASFA for merit scholarships however some merit scholarships have a need aid component including Regents. To be eligible for need aid you would need to submit the FASFA.

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I don’t know how they are notifying students this year. The past couple of years they notified students that they were Regents candidates in advance and asked them to submit a separate application for the scholarship. Those years, nothing showed up on the admissions portal but when students logged into financial aid, they saw the award in their account.


Wow. Your child gets into UCLA but you can’t help but take a swipe at other UC schools that didn’t accept him/her. That’s…a little sad.


Yeah, that’s a good point. It could depend on when your FAFSA went in. Alumni readers just started today, so for sure that would come later. But obviously not many incoming students will benefit from that. I just have this memory that the FA part of things wasn’t available immediately after he was accepted. But I could be wrong about that. I know for sure that when he was admitted to UCSC in that February round last year, the FA info wasn’t available until several weeks later. In the end, the offers from all of the UCs were pretty much identical, so if people can see that info for one UC, it’s likely similar for UCLA – the exceptions of course being if they are going to earn one of the scholarships.

FWIW, my DS can see his FA part with the scholarship grants value set to 0 (likely to remain the same :slight_smile: )

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My S is super excited and wants to start looking for roommates. What are some of the best resources?


Sorry for the late reply.

Dual enrollment course in sophomore year (Health 101), junior year summer 2 cc classes (the max. I could take for free): General Psychology and Anatomy.

If also include my senior APs, then I’ll have 10 APs in total throughout high school.

But tbh, my stats are pretty avg compared to others, but I think my essays are pretty good.


Be cautious about posting personal information on FB or IG - especially the pages that call themselves “official” but aren’t. On FB, 3rd parties such as such as “Humans of University” calls their pages “official” when they have no affiliation with any university. The 3rd party IG page by “College & university” calls themselves the “Official Instagram for the UCLA class of 2026”


Where did you see this?

A lot of the kids “meet” each other through Instagram and Snapchat and other social media sites. Our son thought that seemed just as sketchy as just letting UCLA match him based on the survey you fill out, so he went with random roommates and it’s been fine but not amazing. But he’s excited about rooming next year with friends he’s made this year. They got a great dorm during the recent housing match process. It seems like either way you go is fine, but if they really want to find friends ahead of time, it seems like the social media groups are the way to go (Class of 2026 groups).

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Yes, this is true. The Humans of University thing definitely seemed kind of sketchy to us last year and indeed they are an unaffiliated 3rd party that just does this for tons of schools. I don’t completely understand what they get out of it. That said, that Humans of University page that was set up for Parents of Class of 2025 is indeed the one that parents use. And the main overall Bruins Parent site is this one (“unofficial” but officially pretty much what gets used): Parents of UCLA Bruins! (Unofficial) | Facebook

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Do we need to sign up for the Bruins Day?

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I saw 1779 got off waitlist from cds

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I’m speculating that that many got off the waitlist in 2020 because many students deferred their admissions due to virtual classes/COVID, so they pulled more off the waitlist to meet their enrollment goals, which also makes sense why only 212 students got off the waitlist in 2021–the 2020 deferred students were arriving on campus + UCLA meeting their usual enrollment numbers for 2021

I’m hoping and kind of assuming that the % getting off the waitlist this year should be similar to that prior to 2020… but honestly, it’s probably best to just assume that the waitlist will be unpredictable :man_shrugging:t3:


Agree, and Davis too