UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Cal Poly publishes enrollment projections by college and major, but I don’t believe UCLA does the same. At least I’ve not seen it.

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Page 5 has a breakdown by major.


I have not seen this before for UCLA, wow, that’s fantastic info.

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This is amazing- thanks!!!

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Great! Does the L&S put something like this together? Actually interested most in Luskin School.

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Thank you! It’s frustrating that they dont do admission breakout on Luskin School. Any idea why?

Thanks for the engineering admission data above. Curious why gender balance is so poor in some engineering majors. I also noticed yield is pretty low even in CS. Any insight on both?

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Hello @Gumbymom! Do you happen to know when Bruin Day is happening this year? Is it usually the 2nd weekend in April? Thank you for any info you can provide.

The Bruin day website is not working so I would assume they have not announced a date yet.

UCD, UCSB and UCR are planning their events on 4/9. UCSD is looking at 4/2. Cal Day is on April 23.

UCLA doesn’t usually hold Bruin Day on the same Day as Cal Day. I could be wrong but, if they are going to have an in-person event, I doubt they would plan it the same weekend as three other UCs.

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My DS did get the Alumni Scholarship invite. He is a non-resident of CA. 4.0 UW 4.33 Weighted so we will see if he get’s accepted. He applied to 8 schools. So far all accepted except for UCSB, UCLA, and USD. I guess you never know with UCLA though. I have seen them pass on some very qualified kids.

Congratulations to your DS!! What is the major?

I recently heard that UCLA places a great emphasis on leadership abilities in selecting their admits. I guess this makes sense since pretty much everyone who applies is academically excellent and they need to look for other qualities. I’m just worried now because my S22 did not serve in any form of designated leadership role in HS. He devoted a great deal of time to community service and athletics, but was never a stand out leader.

I apologize it this was answered already but does anyone know if the Alumni Scholarship decision-makers have read the application PIQ essays? Just trying to guide my son with answering the scholarship essays.

I think that is true — from their website:
Personal qualities of the applicant. We value leadership ability, character, motivation, tenacity, initiative, originality, creativity, intellectual independence, responsibility, insight, maturity, and demonstrated concern for others and for the community. Traditional measures of academic achievement may not capture these qualities. But the reader may find them elsewhere in the application. We consider these qualities to be positive indicators of the student’s ability

I don’t think this has to mean ASB president. Leadership can be demonstrated in many ways.


It was answered. They do not see the PIQs.

I know a lot of my friends’ kids who got this Alumni scholarship invite in the past and many were ultimately rejected. My son got the email and I am not reading anything into this.


The Alumni scholarship committee does not have access to the UC application and the PIQ’s.

I’m trying to imagine a campus filled with nothing but student body presidents, club presidents, team captains. Seems it’d be a very alpha environment!


Don’t you know. Every college campus is filled exclusively with leaders. With so many leaders and no followers, wonder who the leaders end up leading. My S22 has taken the entire college application process in stride but I’ve just become more cynical every year.