UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Where did the rest of the application fee go?

At least this could explain why the admits between different UCs seem so inconsistent.

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My son also got a Regent’s Scholarship invite today. I didn’t expect it since I had thought most of these invites were sent before acceptance. I’m really curious what the chances of actually getting the scholarship are.


I do not have any data in how many they actually invite, but the website states that about 100 Freshman plus Transfers will be awarded the scholarship.


How much is the scholarship for

Regents is $2000/year for 4 years. If you have financial need and you are a California resident, then there could additional $$ available.

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I spoke with the financial aid office this morning about an issue with our application. But I also asked whether regents had already been released. I was told that they are released on a rolling basis, so some have and some haven’t. So, perhaps there’s hope for one still!


There may be some who do that. But many of us are just here to learn and support each other in the process. Best of luck to you next year!

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DS received from a slightly different number (last 2 digits), congratulating him, welcoming and asking to take next steps, etc.


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:raised_hands: your comment is perfect. There are offensive, insensitive comments here like the one we have both replied to, but there is also a lot of sincere support. That said, I’m glad my daughter leaves me to the crazy task of obsessing over this forum. Congrats on your hard-earned acceptance!

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That person was replying to me with the same spirit as my reply to the original poster who accused public school kids of cheating their way through the pandemic. :face_vomiting:

My D received the invite too. I believe 1.5% of accepted students are invited to apply for the scholarship.

Anyone OOS got the Regents invite?

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My OOS daughter was waitlisted. She had an unweighted 4.0 at a public school and I promise you that she didn’t cheat nor was she all remote for those 2 years. Remote school was brutal for lots of reasons but to assume that most public school kids cheated is indicative of your own mindset when it comes to honesty and integrity. Is it really that hard to understand that 150,000 kids applied to this school which means VERY QUALIFIED applicants were rejected and not every student who had a better result than your own kid gamed the system?

My kid is putting a lot of effort into her wait list reply and then she is going to embrace the school to which she intends to commit (UCD) and move on. She is thrilled that given the application numbers, she was even under consideration by UCLA and I would suggest that people who feel otherwise may need a lesson in both statistics and humility.


Oooh my son just bothered to tell me that he got the invite for regents. :blush:


Love this — the same approach my D22 is taking.


He’s done wonderfully well. What school is he leaning towards?

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Right now it’s probably UCLA vs Cornell. But we haven’t ruled anything out as we are still waiting on financial aid info, along with 3 more college decisions. We need to do some school visits in April.


My daughter got into UCLA - Pre Human Biology. :clap:

But no invite for Regents :slightly_frowning_face:



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