UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

That’s Facebook but they won’t let you join unless you are committed.


It’s the Parents FB — my son is a first year this year. I think I joined last year after he submitted the SIR to UCLA in late April, but there are already some parents from next year’s class in there. Not sure whether or not they have officially committed yet. It’s a very useful page for parents.

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I tried to join the FB group as a prospective parent and one of the questions they ask is if your child has committed; I answered honestly and said not yet and they declined my request to join and said to come back if she commits.


That makes sense. Hope she commits and you can join! If you have any questions I’m happy to answer here or in DM. My son is having a great experience thus far.

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Thank you so much! We are visiting campus next weekend and it will be our first time there. Excited to see it in person!


Did anyone get UCLA regents?

Invitations to apply for Regents scholarships were emailed to some students.

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Have the alumni scholarships been announced?

In one of your previous posts, you mentioned difficulty of registering for classes as a Freshman. My D got into Econ but wants to look into double majoring in CS. How hard will it be to get into those CS classes that are prerequisites? Also, are the class sizes huge? Finally are advisors usually available to meet?

Yes, my S22 did receive a regents invitation.


I don’t know anything about the school of engineering but I highly doubt you can do a double major in CS (assuming you mean Computer Science), especially if you weren’t admitted to the engineering school. I’ve never heard of that. Lots of students seem to do double majors but within the school they are in (like the College, which is L & S). Or even maybe the College + something in music. But something like Econ + CS is I’m sure not really possible at any UC. My son is still undeclared, likely majoring in Econ but then possibly with a related minor (public affairs, etc.). Business Econ is a relatively new major that seems to be growing. He got lots of help from a new student advisor during registration for fall quarter (but that was a student). Advising definitely is available but if you aren’t in a major yet, you’ll have to seek it out yourself. If you come in on a track like in the college of engineering or other sciences, it seems to come to you a little more — but as at all UCs, if you need help you should be prepared to go get it. Very little will happen without you working for it. For some students that works and for others, they get lost. My son came from a giant public HS, so he was prepared and has been fine thus far.


Oops, re: classes his have not been “huge” — he’s mostly taken GEs and some math to prepare for Econ. Lectures of 150-ish+ and sections of 20-25. Do look into the Freshman Cluster program. That’s been a huge difference maker for our son. He’s in the Evolution one.


@GoldRush2 Thank you so much! Really appreciate your detailed response. Very helpful as my D decides where to go. We have a few other options including the UIUC CS+Econ major.

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D just got an invitation to this FAST TRACK program (looks like honors) from Electrical and Computer Engineering department. We got a separate letter of acceptance for the program today. Any idea about this program?


With the Freshman Cluster, is that one of your son’s classes for a year or is it his whole schedule for a year?

It’s one class per quarter during their freshman year, but it earns them 4 classes’ worth of credit plus their Writing II requirement (varies a bit by cluster, maybe, as to how much credit you earn). So each cluster is based on a theme, taught by a rotation of professors, and once you are in the cluster it means you don’t have to use your “first pass” during registration to sign up for the cluster class since your spot is guaranteed. Generally kids can sign up for up to a certain number of units per quarter during “first pass” and then they have to use “second pass” to fill the remainder of their schedule for that quarter. Having a cluster class makes it easier because you don’t have to waste first pass on signing up for it. The one my son is taking earns him all 4 of his science GEs (he’s a non-science major, so that’s a great way to take care of all of those) + finishes his writing requirements. If you are a science major, I’d recommend taking a cluster in something that earns you GEs in other areas. See more here: Undergraduate Education Initiatives | UCLA Cluster Program


My pleasure – sounds like the UIUC program might be perfect from that perspective! To be sure, if you’ve applied and been admitted to CS at one of the UCs, I can see how you could maybe minor in Econ. I just know that it’s very hard to get admitted to a CS program if you didn’t apply into one to start. They are all pretty much capped programs. Much easier to switch out of CS or change majors within the College than to get into CS after you’ve started.

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Congratulations, your daughter got into the best colleges she applied to. Are you close to making a decision on which one to join?

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So sorry if you already answered this, but is cluster program available to all UCLA admitted students? Or by invitation only?


Follow-up question :slight_smile: Is minoring in CS an option if you have been admitted to Econ?