<p>I applied to UCLA as a Junior level transfer for the Communication Studies major. I was denied admission and plan to appeal. At the time of my application, I made 2 mistakes with my courses (I put in the wrong grade for both courses) and I had a GPA of 3.38. Ever since sending in my TAU in January I have had 5 grade changes made to my records bringing my GPA up to a 3.94. My dilemna is that I'm not sure whether or not UCLA will frown upon my 2 mistakes and my 5 grade changes, or they will accept me based on my GPA. </p>
<p>If anyone can help me out with this that'd be great, seeing that I want to submit my appeal on Friday!</p>
<p>Hey ballerx43,
I’m also appealing to UCLA and submitting my appeal on Friday.
In your situation, it can go two ways: the appeals committee might be impressed with your high GPA and offer you admittance or they might think you didn’t take the application seriously because you overlooked the mistakes you made on it. I think they’ll likely side with the former. </p>
<p>Taken from the UCLA admissions website: “Therefore, for an appeal to have merit it must bring to light new academic and personal information, as well as information pertaining to extenuating circumstances, that had not been present in the application.”</p>
<p>djavier2, I’m hoping they’ll go with the former and not the latter because I faced a lot of pressures while working on my application. As far as the grade changes go, would it look bad to have 5 grade changed and 2 errors? would that bombard the admissions officer?</p>
<p>You should write about the pressure you were going through during your application. This will at least let them know why you made a couple of mistakes on your app. Don’t sweat about the 2 errors but definitely explain why you had 5 of your grades changed on your transcript. They’ll definitely want to know more about that. </p>
<p>Hope we both get into UCLA :)</p>