UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

Regents is awarded to top 2% of the class. So if you got the email it’s a 99% chance you’re prob admitted.

I rec’d the invitation to apply for Regents/Alumni scholarships and submitted the general application but I have not been sent any code by email. Did I miss it somewhere in the original email?

@losername Regents and Alumni scholarships are not the same but you need to fill out the general scholarship application for both.

You should have received two email invitations. The alumni invite rolled out earlier in the week and the regents invite came out on Friday. The code is listed on the regents invite email.

Most people got only the alumni scholarship email. They did not get the regents email

@10s4life Taking the UCLA Engineering tour this Friday with my son who is an EE applicant. Any tips/things to see or ask would be much appreciated.

Does anyone know if the Alumni Scholarship application requires a letter of recommendation this year? It did last year, but I don’t see anything about letter of recommendation when I follow the link to the application.

@ucgraddad Sent you a DM

@10s4life Thank you…sent a DM reply.

Did anyone get an email asking for more supplemental materials? For me, they’ve asked for 2 more essays and confirmation of my senior year classes/grades. Seems strange to me. Never heard of this before. They sent it today and i have until Tuesday of next week to get it back. Thoughts?

There are a bunch of posts on here about it. Search for UCLA Supplement. Here is a response from the ever helpful @Gumbymom:

This means that either something on your academic record or something mentioned on your personal insight essays that needs clarification before UCLA can make their admission decision. Respond to the questions that pertain to your situation.

See the reasons below.

The Augmented Review pool should be limited in size to no more than 15 percent of all applicants.

The criteria for referring an applicant for Augmented Review include the following:

  1. Evidence of focus on an area of special talent which may have limited a student’s time to participate in a broader range of activities.
  2. Evidence of character traits that imply a strong likelihood of making a significant contribution to campus life.
  3. Evidence of significant academic achievement or the potential for academic achievement at the University in spite of extraordinary or compound disadvantage or learning difference, or physical disability or other unusual circumstances.
  4. Evidence of significant improvement in the academic record accompanied by one or both of the following: (1) reasons for the initial poor performance; and (2) sustained and in-depth participation in educational outreach programs, which demonstrate the applicant’s commitment to succeed academically within a challenging environment.
  5. Evidence of relative lack of access to, counseling about, or support to take college preparatory, honors, Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes or required college entrance examinations.
    02-05-2020 at 6:57 am

Not sure why UCLA cannot just tell the Regents invitees that they got accepted?

@separatelayer - do they always require supplemental material for applications in augmented review? Thanks.

I don’t really know the answer to that.

In any case, the supplemental request makes it clear that it is not mandatory and gives you the option of checking a box indicating there is no new information to add. However, it seems like the grade report portion is mandatory.

Here is the exact language:

After reviewing your application we would like to provide you the opportunity to elaborate on information about yourself which you feel might be helpful in reviewing your application for UCLA. This is an optional supplemental component to the review process which may assist our readers in further evaluating your application. Any information you provide in your essay response(s) will not negatively impact our assessment of your application.

Please feel free to respond to any one (or both) of the questions below. You may want to expand upon and provide more detailed information than was previously provided on your UC application to assist our readers in fully understanding your academic preparation, personal accomplishments or obstacles, or commitment to achieving a university education.

All information will be kept in confidence in accordance with applicable privacy and other laws.

This is followed by a box that says “Check this box if you do not have any additional information to share with us. (You may leave the essays blank and proceed to supporting information.)”

This is followed the these two questions:

Question #1: In your application you may have mentioned an extraordinary talent/skill or academic achievement. This may include participation in Junior Olympics, national debate competitions, recognition for musical talent, etc. Please take this opportunity to share with us more detailed information about the level of your achievement, depth of participation, and passion for this particular area.

Question #2: Please describe any special circumstances that you would like us to consider that may have affected your ability to achieve academically. This may include personal circumstances, family experiences, and opportunities that were or were not available at your school or home. If you participated in an educational preparation program (i.e, EAOP, Talent Search, Upward Bound, PUENTE, etc.) please describe your level of involvement and how each program was beneficial to you.

After the essays, there is a section called “Supporting Information” that says “Please confirm your courses for fall and spring semesters by listing them in the boxes below. Provide grades if available but do not delay in responding due to missing grades. Please do not send transcripts at this time.”

Then there are two boxes for you to enter (1) Fall classes and grades, and (2) Spring classes.

I hope this helps.

Hard to tell why. But is it possible that they want to gauge how serious an appliant is to join the school if they are being admitted? If someone had been admitted to his/her dream school already, he/she is unlikely to spend time applying for the scholarship?

@separatelayer - thank you so much!

I have a 3.7 gpa but I got 1480 on the sat. i had special circumstances and explained further in the supplemental application requested by UCLA. Do I actually have a shot or should I not be hopefully since my stats are so low? I know they are interested in me but I feel like my stats are too incompetent.

does anybody know if only certain people get the alumni invitation or do all applicants receive this email??

Everybody did not receive the Alumni invitation email.

My son got the alumni invitation. His friend in the same high school did not.

I received the invitation. However, my two friends with much better GPAs (both have 4.0 UW and around 4.5 W) and similar or better test scores did not, so it is a little puzzling.

I received the invitation. However, my two friends with much better GPAs (both have 4.0 UW and around 4.5 W) and similar or better test scores did not, so I am not sure what the criteria is.