UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

@10s4life what is the difference between the living learning communities and the regular dorms? I saw it on the website but I still don’t fully understand the difference and I want to know if I should choose a living learning community for my dorm choice.

@gzza73 Its a rite of passage :slight_smile:

@travina Its supposed to group people in a floor of a dorm with similar interests.

@travina LLC are not a specific dorm but are halls/floors within a given dorm. Some schools state in advance which dorms the different LLC halls will be in. UCLA does not.

@gzza73 Good for him! It’s all smooth sailing from now on. Not…

@firmament2x I agree with what @10s4life said in terms of the grade distribution. CS 31 is not easy, and CS 32 is probably where the rubber meets the road to see if you really want to be a CS major as CS 32 is very time-consuming and difficult. But once you get past CS 32 and get used to how CS classes normally operate (exams & projects), it is a very rewarding major. At least that’s what my son tells me. Hahaha. He loves it so much being a CS major he was trying to get his little sister to major in CS, but she is not a STEM person. LOL. That’s why she applied under L&S. My son absolutely loves being at UCLA and being a CS major. He loves his classmates and has a great network of students who feed off of each other. As you can see, I am sold on UCLA although I am a CAL guy. Lol.

@Heyryan227 . . . Glad to hear it!

Here’s a Daily Bruin video with professors including CS professor Carey Nachenberg reading reviews from students:


@firmament2x Nachenberg is a legend! And he is so kind and personable to the students. My son and his friends had meals with him multiple times to discuss not only CS but life and rock climbing etc. There are professors like Corbin and Eggert who make the exams extremely difficult, but they are still amazing teachers.

Would it be possible to start a new thread about Engineering?

Incredibly proud of my D who is admitted pre human biology and society. @10s4life , do you happen to personally know anyone in this major? Also, based on your username, it is safe to assume you play tennis? :slight_smile:

sent you a pm

@redwag - sent you a pm

@WCSeniorsDad - sent you a pm

@tntnmom Sent you a PM

Does anyone here know anyone in the music school? If so, can you send me their contact information? I have some questions.

Did you find an answer to this?

Same happened to me. I corrected a FAFSA error back in January but received 4 forms the other day requesting more tax related info. No other school has requested anything and I’ve already been awarded more than half tuition at Emory so if there was a problem with a FAFSA discrepancy I would think it would apply to all of my universities but UCLA is the only one requesting more besides the veritax thing from USC.

Son got into Pre-Applied Mathematical Sciences. We are a little nervous about the size of the school and class sizes. Do you know how the students dorms are spread out and such?

@Gumbymom and @ 10s4Life - Thanks to both of you for committing your time and energy moderating this thread. Your perspectives and guidance was very helpful. Gracias!

Too difficult to visit UCB and UCLA in this COVID environment. Son is going to decline his acceptance(s); headed to Duke.

Congratulations to all those accepted and very best of luck to everyone else.

@vgulla: classes get much smaller after the initial intro ones. Dorms are all in one area called the hill. That’s great cause you’re never far away from your friends.

@“GrandCarlo’s Z” Congrats!

There should be more coming out of UCLA in the next couple of weeks but, for the time being, try to Google Earth UCLA for the layout of the dorms. They are clustered together as opposed to being spread out across campus. The campus actually has a small footprint compared to some of the other UCs.