UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

So I just figured out I misreported one of my freshmen year grades as an A instead of a B… will I get rescinded? What should I do???

Did any one receive any update on alumni scholarship?

Hello, I am thinking about committing to UCLA to study mathematics. Before I make any final decisions I wanted to know what it’s like to form relationships with professors at UCLA. From what I’ve heard, UCLA has large class sizes and it’s difficult to feel intimate with your teachers. Are office hours a worthwhile time to try and spend time creating a relationship with professors or are they generally crowded?

@yannib6 . . . I took one upper division math class at UCLA in Linear Algebra. It was pretty small, about 25 people. The other upper-div classes are small also; they’re held in the rooms along the MS corridor. Lower division, calc series were pretty big 150-200 or so.

may be super late but I just committed! Go Bruins! In-state 1520 with 4.0/4.33/4.56 in L&S. Also accepted at UCI, UCSD, UCB, GT, Vandy, WashU.

@firmament2x Thank you for the response. Do you happen to know anything about how crowded open office hours are for professors?

@yannib6 Usually for most professors they are pretty empty since most people don’t go to office hours.

@sedimentaryrock. . . What took you so long? Eight days to commit, way too long. Good luck in the Geology department, sounds interesting.

My daughter accepted UCLA’s offer of admission by signing the SIR. It was down to either USC or UCLA and it was a no brainer for her! Now she will join her brother. Thankful!

Hello @10s4life, would you be able to tell me the main differences between biology and human biology & society majors? Thank you

@sedimentaryrock . . . I hope you know that I was just kidding. Eight days to commit is way less than most everyone else. I was thinking of putting in a “j/k” but didn’t. As for your name it was a guess of course. I do hope more people at UCLA will look at the physical sciences instead of being bio-related majors.

@Heyryan227 . . . what took her so long? J/k… USC’s a good school.

Got any other good Carey Nachenberg stories? He’s an adjunct professor, and the video had him read that one student review where it asked, “Why doesn’t he become a full-time professor?”

Professor Nachenberg says, “Because they couldn’t afford my insurance.” Insurance is a very large problem for contracted professors, besides his being an MS terminal degree. He’s apparently very famous in CS, but he undoubtedly teaches at UCLA (a double alumnus) for the teaching aspect, not obviously for the money.

Adjunct professors in the humanities and other departments are extremely abused and underpaid. American colleges are going to have to revise how they treat them, instead of invoking almost like slave-labor upon them.

In any regard all the best to those who committed!

@laagirl Bio has more science courses. Human bio and society blends some humanities. As for pre med any major works. They only care about fulfilling the med school courses. English is a pretty popular pre med Major now.

@firmament2x Nachenberg is a former exec at Symantec and Google. He actually teaches at ucla for fun.

@firmament2x Lol. I made her wait until all the decisions were in. Hahaha. As for Nachenberg, my son says his lectures are so fun two hours go by like nothing. He will routinely prank students and challenge students to arm wrestling. Several students have challenged him (big kids) and they cannot overcome his strength. Nachenberg claims no student has ever beaten him in arm wrestling. He is super strong (maybe from rock climbing) and ripped! Hahaha. He makes CS 32 actually fun.

@Heyryan227 . . . great stuff, thanks!

My daughter got admitted into Letters & Sciences - specifically into pre-econ/mathematics. We are concerned about class sizes and access to Professors. Any feedback would be great. Thank you.

Hello everyone. We live in NC and our son was accepted at UCLA and Berkeley. We had planned to visit the schools once we heard back but now with COVID - he is now faced with making the decision on which college to attend without getting a chance to be on campus with students. We did visit Berkeley last spring but they were on spring break so we really didn’t get a “feel” for the campus or student life.

I am curious to get some honest input and feedback on both schools. He is currently “Undecided” and was admitted into the school’s Letters & Sciences. Also - if there are other resources to help get more straightforward information about schools without it just being marketing - I am just trying to find out any information I can to share with him - THANK YOU!!

@Rozzienc congratulations to your son!

My child was also accepted to both. I attended Berkeley for grad school and my spouse attended UCLA. We visit both campuses quite a bit.

This is my opinion so take it for what it is worth.
Housing: UCLA > UCB
Weather: UCLA > UCB
Collaborative: UCLA > UCB
Happy students: UCLA > UCB

In my opinion, the students at Berkeley are more solitary and intense.

@lkg4answers thank you so much - I appreciate your insight!

I agree 100% with @lkg4answers but I’m not biased at all :slight_smile:
@Rozzienc But in all seriousness, ucla has a much better campus culture than cal. Academics aside, your son will be living there for most of the year for 4 years and looking at campus life, people at ucla seem a lot happier. I’m a cal legacy and would still choose ucla over cal. My sister is currently at cal and would’ve done anything to swap admissions into ucla but unfortunately that doesn’t exist lol.

Did anyone receive their acceptance package in the mail yet? Just wondering because I haven’t received mine yet and I keep checking! Not much else to do during quarantine haha.