UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

@jlee415 I think your question is best asked in the uc transfer forum. This is for freshman in the class of 2024. They’re much more knowledgable over there about transfers since this forum is oriented for freshman.

Roommate Search
Hey guys!
I decided to go to Pepperdine but my friend and I are getting an apartment in Santa Monica (short lease) from August through November. My friend is paying about half for his own room, but I am looking for someone to share a room and split the cost with. You would pay $950/month, utilities included, fully furnished, and a $1,166 security deposit. I’m looking for someone pretty quick so message me or DM me on IG: Maxles1999 if interested! Thanks!

My D received a housing offer last night in Hendrick Summit (I believe). We were both shocked since we are instate and less than 30mins from campus. We thought she would be at the bottom of the list, but she remained on the housing waitlist in the event campus will be open winter or spring.

Housing announced that if you are offered a spot and turn it down, you are off the list for the entire year. I can’t help but to question if that will be the case. If by chance the campus can open to full capacity during the year, wouldn’t housing be eager to expand offers and try to regain some of the lost revenue?

Either way, my D has decided to give up her spot. As much as she wants to live on campus and experience college life, it just doesn’t make sense when you factor in all the restrictions and additional cost - especially when we live so close.

I really hope when UCLA can open safely, they remember to hold events and offer more housing so that the class of 2024 can be properly introduced and feel part of the community.