UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion


Agreed. I just got mine this morning on the UCLA portal.

I am just curious in regards to AP scores (now that I have all of mine), which scores do what in terms of prereq credits and getting out of certain classes for L&S? I have looked at the chart many times but it still doesn’t make practical sense for me, like what’s the difference between general and introductory chem credits???
If someone could explain, that would be much appreciated.

@gogauchos2024 yes, we are able to see my son’s AP scores on the portal.

@uclacs2024 LLCs are floors in a dorm that all have students that have similar interests. The floor activities center around those themes. I’ve actually never seen one myself or known anyone in one before so that’s about as much as I can comment on that. For your 2 and 3, engineers do not enroll in clusters. We take 5 GEs only and those are really spaced throughout your 4 years. The cluster would interfere with your sons schedule since only first quarter will he take a ge for his first year. If he doesn’t take the cluster he can engage with his LLC in other ways. I wouldn’t mention it since he shouldn’t enroll in that class. Clusters also fulfill writing 2. But engineering writing 2 is fulfilled by Engr ethics. That class gets rid of both ethics and writing 2 for engineers and is required. Doing the cluster would mean he would need to do that and engineering ethics. That’s a lot of writing. Engineering ethics on its own has 2 individual 7-10 page essays. And a final team essay. It’s about 60-70 pages long for 5-7 people.

@SD20020 Unless specific course number is listed next to what your score is, you do not pass out of any specific class. “General” or “Unassigned” means those units can be used for graduation unit requirement only. For example, under English Lang, if you received an AP score of 3, you will get “Unassigned” 8 units towards graduation and it only satisfies the Entry Writing requirement. But if you got a 4 or a 5, it passes you out of a specific class (English Comp 3) and you have fulfilled the Entry Writing Requirement as well as Writing 1 Requirement. So for AP Chem, you just get the general credit but you do not pass out of any specific class.

does anyone know anything about the second wave of housing offers

@grapegrape My daughter did not receive an offer in the first round, accepted a spot on waitlist, and received offer of a single in Hedrick Hall on Tuesday (7/14), I believe she has until 7/20 to accept. We will accept, as it appears that if you decline, you are out of on campus housing for the year. Instate, about 4 hours from campus, and really do not meet any of the other priority criteria for housing. She is entering as a Chem major, so she may have labs, depending on what online instruction looks like.

@10s4life Can I ask how UCLA is going to respond to the IB Scandal? I haven’t heard anything from UCLA officials or UC systems regarding the 2020 IB May results. There has been already 30,000 out of 16,6000 students signed a petition to protest. I personally have a really big drop in the IB final grades comparing to the predicted ( a drop of 11), and I thought I was treated unfairly in the so called score calculation process. I have written several letters to the UCLA undergraduate admission office but didn’t receive any response. I am still waiting anxiously to hear from UCLA undergraduate officials cuz I don’t want my two years’ effort in IB died in vain. Can you give me a bit clues on that? Thank you

@zcx0603 I haven’t heard anything about the IB scandal. I actually didn’t even know there was a scandal. I wouldn’t worry because IB scores were not used in the admissions process (same with AP). The only disadvantage you may face is once you show up and your scores are in the system, you may not get credit for certain classes. But UCLA takes almost no IB credit. If you pull up the chart most of the credits say “unassigned” that means its empty credit and does absolutely nothing. If it says “intro” then that means it MAY fulfill an intro course only if your Major requires that class. For example you could get Intro chemistry credit if you get a certain score on the IB exam for majors that need intro chem. But the intro chem course isn’t Chem 20A or Chem 14A its the chem that is for non science majors, basically making it useless. IB and AP courses cannot be used for GE credit which is what the IB and AP credit would be most useful for. Also unless you’re engineering all the majors at UCLA are so short that with no ap or ib credit you can graduate in 4 years or earlier with only 3 classes a quarter. Econ is such a short major that people have to take filler classes just to graduate.

Long story short, don’t worry since IB wasn’t going to get you much credit to begin with and UCLA is unlikely to make any adjustments since they made an AP announcement that all AP credit charts remain the same. And UCLA never really gave IB credit in the first place. Congrats on finishing though, I heard its fairly difficult. Feel free to reach out if this wasnt too clear, its kinda hard to explain sometimes since the chart is misleading, many people think they’ll get more credit than they actually get (Prob so people keep taking these exams).

@10s4life Really Thank you for providing me with such a detailed explanation. I’m Harry Zhang, an incoming international freshman at UCLA class of 2024. I’m really anxious and worried about if my offer of admission will be rescinded.

I want to provide you with some insights into the IB scandal this year. In March 2020, the IBO announced that 2020 MAY IB exams would be canceled due to COVID-19, and instead, the students’ IB final grades will be calculated with the algorithm the IBO developed. This solution seemed to be lenient and great at first, but in July when the IBO released 166,000 students results, there were a majority of students had grades that were so different from their original predicted scores (me for example, I have a drop of 11 points from my predicted scores ).

And when many IB teachers and students around the world demanded IBO to make its “score calculating algorithm” public, the IBO refused to do so. This has led to 0% transparency in the IB grading system, and over 166,000 IB students’ future and their entrance to the universities would be determined and destroyed by “a secret algorithm” that is hidden by IB officials. Under the pandemic, this has put more anxiety and depression on all IB students. Non-transparency in the score calculating process has directly led to over 30,000 IB students/parents/ teachers to sign the petition online for justice in the IB education system and to protest the disgraceful thing IBO is doing. Also, you can search #IBScandal on twitter. There have been thousands of tweets protesting the IB 2020 May results.

I have reported my IB final grades to UCLA’s admission office and tried to contact UCLA admission committee and admission officers, either by the phone or emails, to report my situation right now, but has heard no response. I also contacted my school’s IB coordinator to explain my situation to UCLA and am still waiting for the response.

I’m really anxious and helpless right now because I know that IB graduated students only take a small portion of UCLA admitted freshman this year (class of 2024), and the IB scandal may not be heard by anyone at UCLA campus or admission committee. However, I still want us, the IB graduates, to have justice and get a chance that we deserved to enjoy UCLA’s education opportunity. I don’t want all my 2 yrs’ efforts into IB died in vain.

I feel apprehensive about whether my offer of admission will be rescinded because of words written in the admission contract. I also heard one of my friends (who was admitted to the UCLA class of 2023) that her offer was rescinded due to her IB final grades. But this year’s IB final grades should not be reviewed as normal as the previous year. I would really appreciate it if you can help me report this situation to the UCLA admission committee. Thank you.

@zcx0603 Thanks for the clarification. When you submit final grades the Provisional Contract states a min GPA (not sure what it says for IB) and a clause that says grades should be consistent with the performance of previous years. For most people having a few B’s etc grade wise has little to no impact. I am not sure how to correlate your 11 point drop but I am sure it will be fine. If you are being rescinded you’ll have advanced notice. All you can do is report (which you did) and sit tight. If the scandal affected as many students as you said, I am sure UCLA will see that drop across all its IB students and will adjust. No need to keep emailing them, the admissions and registrar staff are swamped as is. The reason why the phones aren’t being answered is limited on site staff. You might also be calling during the 12-1 lunch break too or after/before business hours. Because of coronavirus UCLA will prob be alot more lenient when it comes to this stuff. Best of luck.

@10s4life Thank you so much

@10s4life Really Thank you for providing me with such a detailed explanation. I’m Harry Zhang, an incoming international freshman at UCLA class of 2024. I’m really anxious and worried about if my offer of admission will be rescinded.

I want to provide you with some insights into the IB scandal this year. In March 2020, the IBO announced that 2020 MAY IB exams would be canceled due to COVID-19, and instead, the students’ IB final grades will be calculated with the algorithm the IBO developed. This solution seemed to be lenient and great at first, but in July when the IBO released 166,000 students results, there were a majority of students had grades that were so different from their original predicted scores (me for example, I have a drop of 11 points from my predicted scores ).

And when many IB teachers and students around the world demanded IBO to make its “score calculating algorithm” public, the IBO refused to do so. This has led to 0% transparency in the IB grading system, and over 166,000 IB students’ future and their entrance to the universities would be determined and destroyed by “a secret algorithm” that is hidden by IB officials. Under the pandemic, this has put more anxiety and depression on all IB students. Non-transparency in the score calculating process has directly led to over 30,000 IB students/parents/ teachers to sign the petition online for justice in the IB education system and to protest the disgraceful thing IBO is doing. (here’s the link: http://■■■■■■■/ftQh5ZSF ) Also, you can search #IBScandal on twitter. There have been thousands of tweets protesting the IB 2020 May results.

I have reported my IB final grades to UCLA’s admission office and tried to contact UCLA admission committee and admission officers, either by the phone or emails, to report my situation right now, but has heard no response. I also contacted my school’s IB coordinator to explain my situation to UCLA and am still waiting for the response.

I’m really anxious and helpless right now because I know that IB graduated students only take a small portion of UCLA admitted freshman this year (class of 2024), and the IB scandal may not be heard by anyone at UCLA campus or admission committee. However, I still want us, the IB graduates, to have justice and get a chance that we deserved to enjoy UCLA’s education opportunity. I don’t want all my 2 yrs’ efforts into IB died in vain.

I feel very apprehensive about whether my offer of admission will be rescinded because of words written in the admission contract. I also heard one of my friends (who was admitted to the UCLA class of 2023) that her offer was rescinded due to her IB final grades. But this year’s IB final grades should not be reviewed as normal as the previous year. I would really appreciate it if you can help me report this situation to the UCLA admission committee. Thank you.

@10s4life Really Thank you for providing me with such a detailed explanation. I’m Harry Zhang, an incoming international freshman at UCLA class of 2024. I’m really anxious and worried about if my offer of admission will be rescinded.

I want to provide you with some insights into the IB scandal this year. In March 2020, the IBO announced that 2020 MAY IB exams would be canceled due to COVID-19, and instead, the students’ IB final grades will be calculated with the algorithm the IBO developed. This solution seemed to be lenient and great at first, but in July when the IBO released 166,000 students results, there were a majority of students had grades that were so different from their original predicted scores (me for example, I have a drop of 11 points from my predicted scores ).

And when many IB teachers and students around the world demanded IBO to make its “score calculating algorithm” public, the IBO refused to do so. This has led to 0% transparency in the IB grading system, and over 166,000 IB students’ future and their entrance to the universities would be determined and destroyed by “a secret algorithm” that is hidden by IB officials. Under the pandemic, this has put more anxiety and depression on all IB students. Non-transparency in the score calculating process has directly led to over 30,000 IB students/parents/ teachers to sign the petition online for justice in the IB education system and to protest the disgraceful thing IBO is doing. (here’s the link: http://■■■■■■■/ftQh5ZSF ) Also, you can search #IBScandal on twitter. There have been thousands of tweets protesting the IB 2020 May results.

I have reported my IB final grades to UCLA’s admission office and tried to contact UCLA admission committee and admission officers, either by the phone or emails, to report my situation right now, but has heard no response. I also contacted my school’s IB coordinator to explain my situation to UCLA and am still waiting for the response.

I’m really anxious and helpless right now because I know that IB graduated students only take a small portion of UCLA admitted freshman this year (class of 2024), and the IB scandal may not be heard by anyone at UCLA campus or admission committee. However, I still want us, the IB graduates, to have justice and get a chance that we deserved to enjoy UCLA’s education opportunity. I don’t want all my 2 yrs’ efforts into IB died in vain.

I feel apprehensive about whether my offer of admission will be rescinded because of words written in the admission contract. I also heard one of my friends (who was admitted to the UCLA class of 2023) that her offer was rescinded due to her IB final grades. But this year’s IB final grades should not be reviewed as normal as the previous year. I would really appreciate it if you can help me report this situation to the UCLA admission committee. Thank you.

@10s4life Really Thank you for providing me with such a detailed explanation. I’m Harry Zhang, an incoming international freshman at UCLA class of 2024. I’m really anxious and worried about if my offer of admission will be rescinded.

I want to provide you with some insights into the IB scandal this year. In March 2020, the IBO announced that 2020 MAY IB exams would be canceled due to COVID-19, and instead, the students’ IB final grades will be calculated with the algorithm the IBO developed. This solution seemed to be lenient and great at first, but in July when the IBO released 166,000 students results, there were a majority of students had grades that were so different from their original predicted scores (me for example, I have a drop of 11 points from my predicted scores ).

And when many IB teachers and students around the world demanded IBO to make its “score calculating algorithm” public, the IBO refused to do so. This has led to 0% transparency in the IB grading system, and over 166,000 IB students’ future and their entrance to the universities would be determined and destroyed by “a secret algorithm” that is hidden by IB officials. Under the pandemic, this has put more anxiety and depression on all IB students. Non-transparency in the score calculating process has directly led to over 30,000 IB students/parents/ teachers to sign the petition online for justice in the IB education system and to protest the disgraceful thing IBO is doing. (here’s the link: http://■■■■■■■/ftQh5ZSF ) Also, you can search #IBScandal on twitter. There have been thousands of tweets protesting the IB 2020 May results.

I have reported my IB final grades to UCLA’s admission office and tried to contact UCLA admission committee and admission officers, either by the phone or emails, to report my situation right now, but has heard no response. I also contacted my school’s IB coordinator to explain my situation to UCLA and am still waiting for the response.

I’m really anxious and helpless right now because I know that IB graduated students only take a small portion of UCLA admitted freshman this year (class of 2024), and the IB scandal may not be heard by anyone at UCLA campus or admission committee. However, I still want us, the IB graduates, to have justice and get a chance that we deserved to enjoy UCLA’s education opportunity. I don’t want all my 2 yrs’ efforts into IB died in vain.

I feel apprehensive about whether my offer of admission will be rescinded because of words written in the admission contract. I also heard one of my friends (who was admitted to the UCLA class of 2023) that her offer was rescinded due to her IB final grades. But this year’s IB final grades should not be reviewed as normal as the previous year. I would really appreciate it if you can help me report this situation to the UCLA admission committee. Thank you.

hello, just wondering if there has been another housing wave since the 2nd wave a week ago? if not, do you think it is likely there will be another wave or should I go for an apartment?

My daughter was previously offered (and accepted) a double occupancy suite. She was just informed today that it will now be a single occupancy. Looks like they are moving towards an ever-smaller group of students on campus. The way things are going, it will probably end up with no students on campus at all and fully online (like Berkeley).

I wanted to know if UCLA look heavily on high school gpa and SAT/ACT scores? I did fairly poor in high school (2.3 gpa) but I currently have a 4.0 with honors classes and part of the TAP program at my cc. Also, I have a unique background where I attended a vocational school (culinary arts school) after high school, and after graduating from my culinary arts school I worked several years. I decided to go back to school last year and on my application it might seem like I took a large gap from high school to cc, however, I’ve been working full-time ever since my graduation. I was wondering if UCLA will look heavily upon this and hinder my admissions? Also, since I’ll be older than majority of the transfer students to UCLA, will I be less considered, considering that younger students are excelling just as much as I am.

Thank you.

@Gaucho100 at least the double occupancy students are getting to keep the same rate.

Yes, it’s definitely a good deal, especially considering how few students have the chance to be on campus. No complaints whatsoever. Only hope it does not have a negative impact on social interactions.

Hello, does anyone know how the scholarship notification works? I got an Alumni Scholarship (only earlier this week), but I don’t see anything in my financial aid portal or my PAL. Will there be an official notification that has the details of the scholarship inside?