UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

hi all, just wanted to let you know I got off the waitlist last year on 4/30 with a 1330 sat score, oos with a brief paragraph that I sent when I opted in. Good luck to everyone and don’t lose hope!

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What do I have to write additionally if I am waitlisted? (UCLA, Environmental Science/ Chem)

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@hs2020dad per your post #3, @razidazz answered your question of what is SIR in his (her?) post #11: SIR is “Statement of Intent to Register.”

In 2015, 3,400 opt-ins with 500 offered spots does equal 14.7%

In 2019, 7,153 opt-ins from @miichael 's link with 965 offers is 13.5%.

It’s almost like going through the admissions process again with almost the same rate of acceptance as regular admit process. Hope the rate doesn’t go down too much. But in anyway, best of luck to those who have to wait some more.

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Thanks for the details. Yes seems like similar acceptance but now the competition is much stronger with everyone went through the previous screening. I guess the selection would be more to do with institutional needs (major may play a role).

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Waitlisted for Electrical Engineering
International Student
1500 SAT
800’s in Math 2 Physics and Chem subject tests.
Fives in the AP’s and a predicted high school percentage of 96%.

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@hs2020dad, all the best!

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Waitlisted BioChem
International applicant
SAT 1430 (R/W: 630 Maths: 800)
SAT II Maths2 780 Chem 780
IELTS 8 (9 8 6.5 7)
GPA: I guess around 3.6 cuz we don’t have GPA here
UC essay: 1 2 3 6 Composed by myself, didn’t hire any agents
Accepted: UCSD, UIUC
Awaiting: UCB, USC, BU, NYU

I know my odds of getting into UCLA are low but anyway here are some stats for reference. Good luck everyone

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I’ve seen comments from last years waitlist thread that UCLA doesn’t accept letters of continued interest, and that all communication should be in that box given through the portal. What kinds of info should we put down in there?

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Waitlisted Economics
GPA UW: 3.92 W: 4.57
SAT: 1510

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Son waitlisted for Physics
In state
SAT: 1520
GPA: 4.35 W, 4.0 UW
Accepted: UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, Cal Poly, CSULB
Awaiting: UC Berkeley
Good luck to everyone!

So I just looked at last year’s waitlist thread and noticed that most (if not all) of the acceptances off the waitlist were from the College of Letters and Science. Do they only take applicants from there or do they take it from individual schools as well?

So I just looked at last year’s waitlist thread and noticed that most (if not all) of the acceptances off the waitlist were from the College of Letters and Science. Do they only take applicants from there or do they take it from individual schools as well?

Waitlisted CA Asian Female (in-state)
Major: Pre-International Development Studies (L&S)

UW GPA: 3.92 (2 Bs in 10-11 grade)
W GPA: 4.46
UC Capped GPA: 4.23
SAT: 1520 // 22 essay
SAT Subject Tests: 780 Math II, 770 Bio E
Took 8 APs (1 sophomore, 2 junior, 5 senior): Soph// Music Theory (5) Junior // APUSH (5), APES (4) Senior// AP Bio, AP Calc BC, AP Chinese, AP Lang, AP Gov
Average ECs: head leader of class for volunteer organization, founder of one club and VP of another, dance, summer newspaper internship

Accepted: UCSD, UCSB, UCI (Regents & Deans), UCD, UCSC, UCR (Chancellor’s), UMich, UW (Scholarship), Santa Clara (Scholarship), Case Western (Scholarship)
Waitlisted: WashU, Barnard, Boston College
Deferred: Northeastern
Rejected: JHU, Georgetown

In my first semester of my senior year I got a B in Calc BC but As in all my other classes.

Could someone tell me what my chances are of getting off the waitlist as an in-state L&S applicant?

IS Mixed race female
Major: Japanese
GPA: 4.6
ACT: 33
6 APs (all other classes honors except for PE and Spanish)
6 College classes
80+ volunteer hours at a local hospital, work 15-25 hours a week at a part time job
National Honors Society, California Scholarship Federation, Aspiring Medical Professionals club, Asian Pacific Student Alliance, Lacrosse (high school and club), Cheerleading
Accepted to: UCI (Honors), UCSD, UVA, SDSU
Rejected: Johns Hopkins

@MedKey0803 . . . it looks like it is HSSEAS and CoL&S as the only ones that have W/Ls. That would seem to be only because these two are the largest colleges/schools on campus and are the toughest with which to fill the freshman class.

Per this link: https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/files/CC2019/plenary-and-campus-updates.pdf about 1/2 way down in the UCLA section it says:

Stronger waitlist
strategy to achieve
enrollment targets

The rate for acceptance for those who opt into the W/L is 965/7153 or 13.5%.

Waitlisted CS Intl
1580 SAT, 800 Math Level2, 800 Physics, 800 Chemistry, 5 AP CS (not offered by school), 96% predicted board examination.
Fastest longest distance runner in my country, Public speaking/ MUNs (7 awards), 2 professional photography courses + work experience, 3 online CS courses (Machine Learning included), Machine Learning research project.

What are your stats, waitlisted people? I am too

@livy5774 i applied data theory also what were ur stats if u dont mind me asking?

GPA UW: 4.12
GPA W: 4.7
ACT: 33
SAT: 1490
8 APs

Waitlisted TX Asian Female

Major: Chemistry
UW GPA: 3.96
W GPA: 5.01/6
SAT: 1330 (660 R/670 M)
ACT: didn’t take
Rank: 1/580 (woo!)

7 APs: Human Geography, World History, US History, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Physics, Chemistry

8 Dual Enrollment (counts as the same weight as ap credit at my school): English 3, English 4, Econ, Gov, Stats, Sociology, Psychology, Business Info. Management

ECs: Class Secretary (10,12), Speech and Debate Secretary, NHS, NTHS, Band (Second Chair Flute), HOSA, Key Club, Math UIL, Academic Decathlon, Odyssey of the Mind, Teen CERT

~150 hours of community service