UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

His major at UCLA (BioPhysics) is in L&S vs. Bioengineering at UCSD and Biomedical engineering at UCD. L&S is a different education and experience than engineering. Does he care?

His original “passion” was biophysics, and that was why he chose the major after finding out that UCLA actually has the major. Now that he looks at it again, he thinks that he likes the engineering side more. I’m sure that he’ll change his mind again up to near the decision day :slight_smile:

I understand. So the majority of CS candidates made straight As…wondering if taking all honors/AP classes and making the occasional B is a mistake, maybe a tad lighter load is a better strategy.

UC Forum Champion Note:

@jntwinmama @sushiritto @GPlove
Please keep this Discussion thread’s focus on UCLA and not on restaurants. If you want to continue your conversation, please go the Parents Cafe forum.

Thank You.


My son as well. He was undeclared. He was a bit bummed out since he worked hard on the scholarship and essays.

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Are you in state or oos. Because GT will have oos tution fees which is pretty high. UCSD reagents is pretty impressive.

Did anyone get an email yet?

Yeah, stats please. And congratulations! What are you going to choose?

He posted his stats in post 1834. UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion - #1839 by Peter2025

I haven’t gotten anything…

I don’t think taking a lighter load would help, in CS you are still competing with kids who manage to take basically all APs and get all As.

And not just CS.

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We’re from California, so yes, oos for GT

Is UCLA housing distributed like a lottery system? In contrast at UT Austin, housing is determined by who submitted the housing contract first and so people who submit it early get priority on what dorm they want. Can someone confirm that’s not what UCLA does?

@Gweetarpicker @jntwinmama @CADREAMIN Engineering admits at most of the top schools are machines.

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UCLA students are guaranteed housing for 3 years so long as you pay and submit paperwork on time. First come first serve does not exist. Of course last fall covid changed things. It remains to be seen about this fall but they have committed to being in person and they won’t do first come first serve.


I attempted to address this in the thread that’s titled “Is UCLA CS impacted?” Or something like this. UCLA really should let CS and other E students have a second- and third-choice major to try to harvest it’s highly qualified E applicants better. It should give them a choice within Letters and Science or put them in a pre-engineering major and take a quantity into HSSEAS after one year of pre-study. This is effectively what Berkeley does; that’s why they graduate > 600/year from L&S and E CS majors, and I believe that most of their CS majors are from L&S.

It’s kind of late now with respect to your or your student’s choice of major, but UCLA has Linguistics & CS, Math of Computation, Computational & Systems Bio, just added Data Theory, and offers a Specialization in Computing, which anyone can take.

There are various students who are deathly afraid of being rejected by UCLA – it’s a dream school for a lot of students, so they hedge by applying to L&S, by majoring in things like Applied Math, and take the Specialization. They might even do Applied Math, double in Stats, which has some programming classes, then then add the Specialization. The Linguistics & CS is a gift from the faculty to L&S students, and I don’t think a lot of students have caught onto it. {Edit:} And some students are majoring in Cognitive Science, and I’m thinking that the Specialization attaches to the major automatically.

So other than hedging {by not applying to HSSEAS}, as CADREAMING stated, it’d be hard to take a less rigorous courseload, because these are the types who get Math II 800s and score fives all across the board in APs. {edit:} There are some who are doubling in CS and L&S Neuroscience, which I’m sure would take massive AP credits.


I can’t seem to access MYUCLA account

was it easy for him to change majors?

Just curious to know if UCLA is doing in person classes in the fall.

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