UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

My gut tells me the admit rate from the waitlist is going to higher than 2019 but lower than 2020. Hopefully I am wrong and they are similar to last year. Hard to tell at this point but it has been a tough admit year for many students.


You should get a confirmation email. Then you will know. That’s how it worked last year.

Daughter didn’t either.

Thanks for the response. That means I am not the only one. I got into UCSD also and didn’t receive any mail from their either. That shows that they will send out next week.

Ok but what is usually in the acceptance package :smirk:

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no but they are something… i mean lets be honest. do you really think there’s “equality” in the playing field when it comes to ecs?? u think the poor kid in compton has an aunt becky who got him a research “internship” and put his name on the goddam paper?? bs. there’s equality in nothing-- test scores, ecs, teacher recs, nothing.


saw one yesterday on their instagram with a cute little teddy bear but it was for a master’s program! hoping undergrads still get one it was so adorable!

Weird she did get an email from UCSD saying that there was a status update. Came through right away.

did anyone receive their aid package yet?

@annaedleson You seem upset and projecting your narrative on what I responded to you when you said the emphasis was on test scores. I merely shared a link of what UCs look at and they could vary among the UCs.

I don’t pretend to know the background of students but from a background where I was an immigrant and where our fancy dinner would be McDonalds and maybe a good cereal if the grocery stores allowed us to use WIC to buy the cereal with sugar content, I don’t think you’re the only one with authority on what disparity is.

Along the same lines, our fancy dinner was a bucket of fried chicken from KFC. :face_vomiting:

Same as my daughter. Oos and design media. 10 ap’s. Dual enrollment with school and summer college classes outside of her high school. School doesn’t rank but we know she’s in the top 3. I also feel her portfolio is strong (she’s gotten money solely for her portfolio for other T50 colleges. I’m interested in seeing the portfolios of those selected!
We knew it was a long shot and so blessed she has other great offers. Best wishes for your son.
For future reference for kids looking back in the future - D did receive the alumni scholarship email but only the first time not the second email.

I thought the Sizzler was fancy because they served steak.

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@jntwinmama If you have to tip, it’s way too fancy.


In my family Bob’s Big Boy was a special night out!

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Submit to the w/l and see what happens. Don’t know if you’re oos or in-state, but UCLA’s been known to take a good amount from both.

Sizzler? That’s for them fancy shmancy suburbs.

Queens, NY. :laughing:

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It’s a good problem to have. Those are all great schools, and from the sounds of it UCLA is not at the top of the choice - tough choice indeed.

My son is in similar situation, having to decide among UCLA (no regents), UCSD/UCD (regents) and GT. He likes LA for the school/location, and GT for its lab/research. Not sure how which he’s going to choose as well.

A median can be 4.0 uwgpa, but it’s not possible for the average to be the same. As @10s4life said, the median for certain majors is 4.0 and certainly for CS it would be. And for all the {enrolled – having a hard time with using square brackets to edit}, the median is actually close to being likewise, because according to the 2020 CDS, Data Set C11, 47.3% of the freshmen enter with a 4.0 average, which encompasses soph & jr grades and removing plusses and minuses (either straight 4.0 or 3.0). If 51% of the freshmen entered with perfect grades, then the median would be a 4.0

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