UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

If you are an entering Freshman at UCLA in fall 2021, how many classes will a typical student have that are under 60 students (e.g., assuming a lot of introductory classes)?

It means that while the country is largely opening up, residual Covid-based restrictions may impact larger schools more than smaller schools?

I know it is too soon to tell with these considerations…

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Or maybe California schools may be less open?:tired_face:

I think it will be county dependent.

I read the UCSC statement and it seems like they are leaving a lot of discretion up to the departments (faculty)? And saying it is too hard to change up plans between spring and fall 2021? I’m very concerned at this point. Did sound like freshman and sophomores might have some in person priority at least.

I would appreciate it if you all would take a look at this topic:

I could really use some input, I’m deciding between UNC and UCLA to attend in the fall.

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My CA DS also rejected for Film & TV Production at UCLA and is also not surprised. He too had strong GPA, APs, lots of unique creative ECs, and 2 presidential awards for community service. UCLA does make it tough to show off your creative abilities for film with no submission allowed. He is also accepted to another film school in SoCal (and on east coast) waitlisted for another, and waiting to hear on one more – so is excited about these options! Maybe you end up at the same place! Thanks for sharing your experience – the odds are certainly crazy slim and you have a great attitude!

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Did anyone get an email yet?

Hey y’all! I got accepted as a Pre-Public Affairs major on Friday. I applied for the Alumni scholarship and haven’t heard back/ gotten an email yet. Does anyone know when those emails will be released/ has anyone heard from them yet?

Additionally, in my application portal it does not say that I got any scholarships. Will that change if I hear back from the alumni association? Thanks!

Looks like they are planning on notifying recipients the week of March 22.

Perfect, Thank you!

Scanning the most popular majors (econ, psych, bio, poli sci, etc.) pretty much none of the required lower division classes would meet in person with the 60 student threshold, at least based on this year’s schedule of classes (prospective freshmen should take a look). There are some language and art classes below the threshold, and the freshman Fiat Lux seminars (one unit courses) would meet in person. It’s pretty disappointing, though, for incoming freshmen and the class of 2024 who’ve already suffered through a year of zoom university.


Answered your PM

We started and finished reading them this weekend. So should be shortly. Each reader will hav resubmitted scores by midnight.


Agreed. However, things might change as vaccines become more widely available and CDC, state and local guidance changes. :crossed_fingers:

California’s higher ed tier criteria hasn’t been updated since October 2020. LA is currently in the red tier but should be moving to orange soon. State guidance is from September, 2020. Los Angeles county guidance was updated on 3/12/21 to allow “in-person lectures up to 25% capacity or 100 students, whichever is less.”

Very hard to get instate tuition if you are admitted originally as out of state. It is highly unlikely even after moving to CA will you get instate. If you want to go to law school go to UNC Chapel Hill. Its a great school and the money you save can go towards law school. Law school does not look at undergrad prestige. LSAT and GPA can carry you to top law schools by themselves.


There are perks to zoom classes though. And for the students that moved onto the limited dorms or were in off campus westwood housing, they still managed to have a great time.

Yes, you are absolutely right that there are good reasons for optimism with regard to county guidelines (which is why I was so surprised by last week’s zoom). I truly hope the university doesn’t fix its plans based on the current guidelines, given that we have six months until fall classes begin. If they would even plan to have in-person discussion and lab sections available for the larger lectures (like Berkeley), it would be a game-changer for the experience, particularly if coupled with on-campus housing. Fingers are definitely crossed!


does anyone know around how many people were waitlisted this year?

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This year is a bit more challenging because of covid but my advice would be to visit the campus or at least the surrounding areas and see which is the best fit . Where she feels connected. It sounds like UCSB will likely win . Good luck and congratulations!

I was selected for financial aid verification and have to provide supplemental forms to UCLA. They say it can take 4-6 weeks to process the forms. This is a huge pain because I went through the same ordeal when applying for colleges last year and had to wait until the week before SIR’s were due to find out that I couldn’t afford any of the schools I was flagged for.