UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Remember, each candidate wrote four PIQ and descriptions of up to 20 different activities.

@lkg4answers is right, stats are not the entire picture. and with 140k applicants, there are many qualified applicants that will not get admitted. its important to note qualified does not equal admission.

What was the acceptance rate this year?

yes that is what I meant that we don’t know what people with less rigorous courses may have in extracurriculars. Their extracurriculars may have more to add than a rigorous course load so I think it all depends on what they have to offer.


yes, I completely agree. Each applicant brings a different application to the table. So that is what I meant that just because someone has a rigorous course load doesn’t mean they are automatic admittee, there is so much more to look at

Where can we look for reviews on freshman housing? Thanks to all of the great insight on this thread!

I am sorry, but he will find a great place!!

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Congratulation to you for the acceptance to UCLA Bioengineering!
Just curious, what major do you apply at the UC Irvine ?
And also, by any chance, do you apply to UC Berkeley and what major?

There won’t be any reviews. Freshman typically get classics or plazas. I rec the classic. It’s the most social and will be the best experience.

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COVID has seemingly affected the enrollments of classes for 2020 and 2021. Since California’s colleges/universities have been mainly restricted to zooming, there are no classroom boundaries, and so there doesn’t effectively need to be enrollment caps. This is what seems to have occurred for the CS classes because they do seem to be larger than in the past, and there might have been a run on some classes also, perhaps by those who are not from the CS department, e.g., like the Cog Science, Neuroscience, Computational Bio majors, etc.

I’m thinking that since COVID occurred, this might have awakened more freshmen and sophs to forgo staying in the dorms and to live in the many apartments that are south and {west} of campus. (This would occur naturally for upperclassmen who tend to gravitate away from dorm living.) The admin denied most freshmen (all?) from living on campus because of liability and state mandate, so many rented apartments near campus instead of zooming at home, and I think they’ve grown to like the idea, with the idea that they can still get meal plans on campus. Do you think this is right or wrong? Additionally, won’t there still be restrictions on three to a room?

I’m a freshman applicant who’s been admitted to UCLA. On my UC application, I noted that I planned on taking certain AP tests this year. However, I now feel it’s best if I cancel these planned AP tests. Does UCLA admissions care about planned AP tests, and would this be an issue? I will, of course, still submit the scores I already have.

Based on how the state is modifying other industries, my guess is that dorm room capacities will likely be based on the dimensions of the rooms. This year, UCLA and other universities were allowed to house students with extenuating circumstances such as homeless and foster youth.

Did UCLA increase the sizes of their classes in 2020-21? Enrollment caps aren’t just based on the physical size of the room. Negotiated employee contracts must also be followed.

I heard like 10.8%. I feel unbelievably blessed.


Thanks. Does it matter when students put their housing applications in or is it all lottery if you get it in by a certain date?

Just by the deadline

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does anyone know around how many students were waitlisted this year?

That’s probably about right based on 140,000 applications and a yield of about 40%. And Congratulations.

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I am wondering this as well

Thank you! I applied to UC Irvine for Biomedical Engineering (pre-med) and I did not apply to UC Berkeley.