UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Oh I see, thank you for the reply! Both UCLA and UC Irvine are good school. Wish you luck which ever school you choose to go!

Thanks, lkg4answers, and UCLA is certainly sensitive towards honoring these contracts. The way they pay their contracted faculty is evidence of this.

I’d love to hear the answer to this question too. Have you gotten any direction yet on this point? My son is in 4 AP classes but due to remote instruction and the resulting weird schedule at his high school (they take one set of classes for a few weeks, then switch for a few weeks, then switch back, etc.), he says they are not going to be remotely prepared for the tests. He already canceled 3 of the 4 exams and plans to self-study for the 4th. So he’ll take only that one (but of course report that one and the other 6 results from 10th and 11th grades). Is that okay? Should/how should students notify UCLA if they won’t sit for some AP exams?

@10s4life would you happen to have any guidance on this topic? Thanks!

I was in the same boat. Said I was going to take the AP Gov, AP Physics 2, AP Stats, and AP Psych tests in my app. Decided not to take them because UCLA wouldn’t take them. I called UCLA at the time and they said it wasnt a problem since AP exams are only used for placement and not for admission.


@10s4life Do you think that will still be the case next year? Now that they are test blind, you don’t think they will they look to AP test scores in admissions to bolster applications and confirm grades? D22 is considering not taking her AP Physics test because they are way behind. Things aren’t as bad in AP Calculus but she is also doing a lot of self-study so she can do well. It’s stressful.

That I am not 100% sure. Things are so up in the air.

Thank you! Do you also know if low senior year AP scores can jeopardize an admission?

9% which is INSANE!

No, same reason why you don’t have to take an exam even if you said you would.

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What is the lowest grade you can get in a class without UCLA re-evaluating your acceptance? Because I’m in an AP course that only gives 2 exams per quarter and I’m anticipating that I did pretty bad on my most recent test (the quarter ends in 2 days). My overall average is still in the 90s, it’s just that one grade for this one singular quarter that’s poor.

No lower than a C. UCLA’s provisional admission contract has historically stated a 3.0 unweighted GPA and no more than 2 C’s Senior year.


Any idea when alumni scholarship decisions are coming? Or have they already been released?


on my acceptance contract it says any grade lower than a B second semester must be reported but i’m unsure if its a big deal.

Each UC has their own provisional admission contract. If a C or lower is a requirement to be reported, then you should follow the contract. UC’s do not like surprises and not following the contract requirements would be justification for rescinding an acceptance.

Historically UCLA’s provisional contract stated, 3.0 Unweighted GPA, no more than 2 C’s, no D’s or F’s Senior year.

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For those of you on the waitlist here is a good resource explaining the process and why the waitlist is used and why decisions for it come out when they do.


I love his blog and podcast. I’m hoping the wl action doesn’t start too early :grimacing:

I have a question: if ucla goes virtual for the 2021-2022 school year, can’t I (an instate/local prefrosh) change my housing situation from “on-campus” to “commuter” to save money?

They will be in person, it was already anounced. Also that status is only an estimate. If you choose not to live in the dorms then you won’t pay the room and board. If you live at home that “budget” isnt something UCLA charges just an estimate of how much it costs to live at home.

The only costs you have to pay are tuition and campus fees. housing depends on what you choose. Health inssurance can be waived if you have parental inssurance and fill out the waiver. Books and supplies will all depend.