UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

You address the supplemental questions as needed and you apply to the Alumni Scholarship if you want.

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Supplemental does not necessarily mean “borderline”. It may be a special talent you listed or talked about in your essays, a downward or upward grade trend, extenuating circumstances that affected your academic performance etc… I listed the 5 reasons for a supplemental in another post.

Here are the five specific conditions under which an applicant might be selected

for an augmented/supplemental review.

 Evidence of focus on an area of special talent which may have limited a student’s

time to participate in a broader range of activities.

 Evidence of character traits that imply a strong likelihood of making a significant

contribution to campus life.

 Evidence of significant academic achievement or the potential for academic

achievement at the University in spite of extraordinary or compound

disadvantage or learning difference, or physical disability or other unusual


 Evidence of significant improvement in the academic record accompanied by one

or both of the following: reasons for the initial poor performance; and/or sustained

and in-depth participation in educational outreach programs, which demonstrate

the applicant’s commitment to succeed academically within a challenging


 Evidence of relative lack of access to, counseling about, or support to take

college preparatory, honors, Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes or required college entrance examinations.

ah perfect. Do you think it is ok that I answered both questions even if only one applied to me?

You should answer only the questions that apply to your situation so which two questions did you answer?

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Only the hardship one did, but I also did have a unique national academic achievement that I only brushed up on in the UCLA application (however, I doubt this is why they sent me the supplements.)

I was just thinking the more information the better but I’m not sure

It cannot hurt.

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Hi! If you did not get the email, how do you submit an application for the Alumni Scholarship?


there you go! all you have to do is sign up

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Am I supposed to update my academic report with my semester one grades from this year?

Only if you’re asked to

@maggieo123: As noted above, only if you are requested to update your 1st semester Senior grades. This is usually done by the supplemental review. If you do not get the supplemental review, then like the majority of applicants, you will be reviewed based on what you reported on your UC application.

When was Regents released last year? And if you know about UCSD Regents.

@Kgc1234: The first regent emails went out Feb 7 last year. Notifications will be on decision day which usually falls on the 3rd Friday in March.

UCSD notified Regent recipients at the time of admission around Mid-March 3/13 last year.


Does UCLA send out their regents in Feb, or do they include it with acceptance letter?

Invitations to apply for Regents goes out in February with a special code. Decisions for Regents will be with your admission decision in March.

If receiving invitation to apply for Regents, does that mean you are accepted?

If one chooses not to apply, does it make a difference in term of being accepted?

Thank you very much!

@Peter2025: This information from last year should be applicable to this year’s class.

  1. Those invited have a correlation of getting in as regents is for the top 1-2% of applicants.
  2. Applying or not applying has no bearing on your admission.
  3. If you are invited to apply for regents you can expect to eventually be admitted.
  4. Emails inviting you to apply constitute an invitation. Emails reminding you of the deadline are generic.
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How do they determine the top 1-2%.

@MorseLewis: How regent scholars are identified is campus dependent. Here is the vague description given by UCLA:

Students determined by Undergraduate Admission to be the strongest applicants within the context of UCLA’s holistic review process will be invited to submit a Regents Scholarship application at the beginning of February prior to admission decision release date. Applications will be reviewed for this award by Faculty Committee on Honors, Awards and Prizes.