UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

@ehk123 Not everyone got an email invite but if students received one, it by NO means indicate they’re getting accepted and looks like many who didn’t get invited received acceptances in the past. So just think of it as an invite for you to apply (even though it’s open to all) if you want a chance at some scholarship money in case you get in.

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So, to give some insight to this topic, why don’t all that DID receive the alumni email but do NOT end up getting accepted come back here and post that update in a month. We won’t really know how much weight that email holds until then.
Still hoping it means something but we need more info.


omg i love ms. sun she knows everything I swear


question: Are UC regent scholarships or any type of scholarship offered to international students?

Some UC regents are only for US citizens or permanent residents, so it depends upon on the campus. You can look up the requirements on each UC website.

I haven’t found out about UCLA and UCB?

Alumni scholarship invites do not mean acceptance however criteria for invites mirrors criteria for admission. There is positive correlation to getting the invite and being admitted on March 19th. Also international students are not invited for those wondering.

Summary: it’s a positive sign but should be taken with a grain of salt.


This is discussed every year. You can read through last year’s thread to see if people reported receiving the invite and getting in. UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion - #816 by 10s4life or ***UCLA Class of 2024 Decision Thread (Stats Only)*** - #14 by dissapointed916


For UCB, International applicants are eligible for Regents.
Under FAQ: All students who apply to UC Berkeley are automatically considered for the scholarship. This includes California resident, out-of-state, and international students entering from high school as well as transfer students.

For UCLA, you have to be a US citizen, permanent resident or DACA since UCLA requires you file the FASFA.

thanks a lot!!

FWIW, even if you file the FAFSA when applying, there doesn’t appear to be any obligation to do so in order to renew the merit portion of the scholarship in subsequent years.

Were people required to file the FAFSA for consideration of Regents?

Since Regents has a need-based component beyond the merit scholarship, some schools do require you file the FASFA to determine if you are eligible for Federal aid. UCLA states you need to file the FASFA on their website. As stated by @Twoin18, there is no obligation to file in subsequent years.

do you know what % of students get the invite?

Random question, did anyone else get the feel at home at UCLA email rn? I think that everyone gets this but just to make sure.

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Yes…I received it as well

I didn’t

we got it… does it mean anything, or just some marketing email?

Nope didn’t get it.