UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Ok thanks! I’ll have him give that a try. Appreciate your help.

Hi everyone! I was wondering why the UC application asks if a spouse or descendant of yours is part of UCLA or UCI faculty in the scholarships section. Is there reduced tuition if a parent works at one of those universities? Thanks

No. There are most likely scholarships for students who are a spouse or descendant of UCLA or UCI faculty. If you say yes, they will send you an application.

Thank you, do you know what types of scholarships are available?

No, sorry. My guess is that if you answered yes on the application, they would send you an invite if the scholarship was active this year and you are otherwise eligible.


You can check here:



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Is there a way to submit additional info that occurred after your application was originally submitted?

@LDL: NO, UCLA does an accept additional information, LOR’s or updates once the application is submitted unless you have changed your Senior classes or received any grades below a C.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Not sure I understand the logic behind it. Since applying, my son piloted a very important educational program for middle schoolers in our town. I would think they would want to hear about it.

With over 100,000 applications for UCLA, admissions does not have enough time to go back a re-review applicants that have additional information submitted. I would say the majority of the decisions have been made since Regent and Alumi scholarship invitees have been notified already so additional information at this late of date would probably not make much a difference.


It’s actually not uncommon that the schools only consider credentials included in the initial applications. CMU takes the same approach too.

Thanks again for the replies. My son was invited to apply for the Alumni scholarship but not Regent.

I guess it depends on each school’s policy, as others have told him to submit it.

Good luck to all.

Do you know when the Alumni scholarship applicants should hear back?

Does the Alumni application require Letters of recommendation?

No. Just 2 essays from the student.

: ) Thank you - Should they complete both essays prompts or they chose 1 topic - sorry I am so confused by scholarships

They should do both essays. Prompt 1 is “Select any quote about leadership, and share how it relates to your core principles.” and prompt 2 is “What makes you different from other students at your learning institution”.

Does anyone know why the UCLA Alumni Scholarship asks about Irish Descent?

Alumni scholarships are also granted after admission decisions.

I believe they ask a variety of questions to try to match you with other potential scholarship opportunities.

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