UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Finding so many mistakes in hindsight on her Common App from feeling rushed and naïve? I feel so sad for her. Anyone like to chime in on what would be perceived worse… spelling mistakes on app questions or within the PIQ’s? I just want to cry for her… I wish I understood all this stuff better months ago. Alot of high emotions here

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I doubt spelling mistakes will be the “make or break” per se, but it’ll dock a few points is all. If the ideas are great it’ll probably be ok. The point is that they get the main idea from these essays. Of course, it’ll be better if they were perfect, but if within that essay you talk about overcoming challenges and your talents, the admissions office should be able to understand it.

Trust me as someone who didn’t understand the process very much until this summer, I very much relate in the sentiment. The essay is still only one part of the total review.


My son left off an award and leadership position because he thought they were no big deal. He also left off admittance to a competitive summer program because it was cancelled due to Covid. He twin cut and pasted a revision into an essay and it got messed up so the sentence is grammatically incorrect and not 100% coherent. He did not double check and saw it after submission. So…you are not alone.

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You are definitely not alone , but if I can give one piece of advice to anyone reading this . …DO NOT review your essays now . What’s done is done . It’s just going to drive you crazy . Even if the essay is “ perfect “ when you read it over at this point you’re going to find some minor error or second guess some part of your essay . Hang in there everyone we only have a few more weeks .


You are always so calming and supportive! Thank you :blush:


Such good advice!!!

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I re-read my son’s essay last Thursday and was totally depressed. It was one of the essays in the first batch where he was still learning the process. I thought he was going to be completely rejected on Friday. However, he go in his first choice school. @eligrayy is right. Don’t try to do proofreading now. It would work out fine. The key is the contents of the application. Good luck!


I saw some UCLA story that decisions come out on the 19th? Is that true?


UCLA usually releases on the 3rd Friday of March, which would be Friday 3/19 this year.


does ucla do rolling admissions or is everything released at once ?

All at once.

If I applied for engineering as my major and I get rejected, will I still be considered for my alternate major in letters and science?

No not normally. UCLA only guarantees review of an applicant’s first-choice major.

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hey !! wait i thought they made you put an alternative major if you get rejected from the other ? like for example , i applied for nursing which is really competitive, but my alternative i put is undeclared ? they wouldn’t even look at my alternative ?

All UC’s allow you to list an alternate major but not all UC’s will consider them. The information I posted is on the UCLA website.

If they do consider your alternate major it is a very rare occurrence so not an absolute No based on this wording below.


A: Within the College of Letters and Science, the major an applicant chooses is not a factor in the review process at the freshman level. UCLA does not normally consider the alternate choices of applicants who applied to majors in the other schools (Engineering, Arts, etc.).

@audreyava624 I am not sure what the current numbers but its not the majority.

Does anybody know if there is a specific time that the alumni application is due tomorrow? Or is it just midnight?

Just midnight I believe. Also, speaking of the alumni application, does anyone know exactly if they check for attendance to the alumni scholarship event? I have unfortunately gone to the wrong event which was just an alumni event rather than the specific scholarship one on accident. They do have one tomorrow night, but it is a part 2 meeting that specifically says to only attend if you have gone to first part. How badly could this effect my outcome? Should I just risk it and attend the part 2? I am open to any suggestions at hand!

Didn’t even know. How did you find out about it?


that was a thing?

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