UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

@yellowjello It depends on the UC but for UCLA, anyone applying to HSSEAS is admitted by major. For L&S no one is actually in the major. Admission is done by the entire L&S college. So selecting physics, math, english, history, global studies: its all the same the applicants are competing in the same pool. They are all admitted as pre majors. Meaning you must complete pre reqs with a certain GPA to declare the major. The pre major status is only to place you in orientation groups and so you know what classes to pick. In general for the first quarter for STEM majors its Math, 1 science class, and a GE/English. For everyone else you typically take 3 GE classes your first quarter. Note that AP classes only count for premajor classes. Like if you are an intended history major the AP histories will count towards major requirements. But GE requirements must all be taken at UCLA or through another UC or at a community college.

Hope this answers your question. Many students are worried about “switching”. At orientation you can switch your premajor declaration. Technically one could be a English pre major and take only physics pre major classes and declare physics when they were eligible to declare the major without ever even switching their pre major designation. Although that route makes it harder to plan since the degree audit report on MyUCLA will show you aren’t progressing towards the pre english major lol. This also gets rid of the common misconception that if you choose a major like spanish you will have an easier chance of getting in than bio. In reality the odds are the same.


Got rejected by all the unis I applied to(international). But I have been blessed by Powell cat so I am looking forward for March 19th.

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What is the source of March 19 decision release date? I didn’t get any emails on that from UCLA.

Alumni Scholarship readings are the day after, and decisions typically go out on the 3rd Friday of March (that being the 19th)

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wow i cant believe almost exactly 2 years ago i got my SAT score results and was crying excited and then almost exactly one year ago (March 20) I got into UCLA and was also crying excited. I remember spending hours on CC every day reading threads and trying to gauge my chances of getting in and now I’m almost done with my second quarter at UCLA. good luck to every one here. if there’s one thing i learned during the college application process it’s that it really is a lottery in some way and it is (unfortunately) far from meritocratic and there are so many factors (where you live, your high school, legacy, affirmative action, etc) that play into the decisions that are completely out of your control. regardless, you really do end up where you belong in the end and I couldn’t imagine myself at any other school right now (even the one I originally ED’d to) so trust the process and best wishes! the class of 25 will be so lucky to have a traditional freshman year next year and I would have given up my entire senior year of high school if it meant things couldve been normal this past year. good luck!! im currently writing this as i procrastinate studying for finals.


@spindip Welcome back to CC and glad to hear freshman year is going well. Although it was different I know many who moved into Westwood anyways still managed to have a fun year. Enjoy it, it goes by faster than you know!

There is no affirmative action nor legacy included in admission decisions at the UCs.


Legacy correct, affirmative action is up for debate

Which we will not debate here.


Haha, yes I agree.

i just meant in college admissions in general. i just chose to comment on the UCLA thread because i go there.

Last year my son naively asked if he had legacy at both both UCLA and Berkeley since I started at UCLA and then transferred and finished at Berkeley. I had to break the bad news to him.

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I was wondering if alumni scholarships are going to be released along with ucla admissions decisions? I think I read that somewhere but then someone on this thread said that scholarship readings are starting on the 20th to 21st so what does that mean? Does this mean scholarships will be released later?

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They are usually released after acceptances but someone many posts back claimed that this year they would be released on the day of admissions. The best person to ask about this is @10s4life.

They won’t be out at decisions. We start reading the day after they are released.


Sorry if you answered this already. In the past, have you seen a correlation between admitted students to those who were invited to apply for an alumni scholarship? Thanks.

From Post 816 by @10s4life:

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Nope. I’m an alumni scholarship reader. We get our assigned essays to read on 3/20. They go through 2 evaluations. So scholarship awards are AFTER admissions decisions.

But generally before commitment day.


I’m not quite sure the second part is accurate. I’ve gotten neither of the alumni invites. I am an international applicant, however.

YES! Received it!